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Coverting tomcat class into a parameterised class

class tomcat inherits tomcat::params{

class tomcat(
 ) inherits tomcat::params{

Assigning default values to the parameters

class tomcat(
  $xms            = $::tomcat::params::xms, 
  $xmx            = $::tomcat::params::xmx,
  $user           = $::tomcat::params::user,
  $group          = $::tomcat::params::group, 
  $service_name   = $::tomcat::params::service_name,
  $service_state  = $::tomcat::params::service_state
) inherits tomcat::params{

Using resource like class declarations

Node definitions in app.pp change


include tomcat


  class {'tomcat':
    xms => "54m",
    xmx => "80m"
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