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Last active July 15, 2020 17:00
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Fix Zudu-go ROM | 2udu-go, zudugo.bin (Macro Winners / Waixing) | CRC32: 0FA9D9AD | Python 3 | Emulators: NintendulatorNRS, MAME, EmuVT
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Input: zudugo.bin (CRC32: 0FA9D9AD)
Usage: zudugo.bin
License: Unlicense
__version__ = '1.0.0'
__author__ = "infval"
import sys
from pathlib import Path
def replace(b, bout, inp, out, excluded=(-1,)):
count = 0
for p in inp:
size = len(p)
res = 0
while res != -1:
res = b.find(p, res)
if res != -1:
if count not in excluded:
bout[res:res+size] = out[inp.index(b[res:res+size])]
res += 1
count += 1
path = Path("zudugo.bin")
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
path = Path(sys.argv[1])
b = path.read_bytes()
bout = bytearray(b)
# $201x #
# 2016 > 2015, 2017 > 2014, 2012 > 2013, 2013 > 2012, 2014 > 2017, 2015 > 2016
REG = ("16", "17", "12", "13", "14", "15")
REG_INV = ("15", "14", "13", "12", "17", "16")
8D 1? 20 STA $201?
inp = list(map(lambda x: bytes.fromhex("8D" + x + "20"), REG))
out = list(map(lambda x: bytes.fromhex("8D" + x + "20"), REG_INV))
replace(b, bout, inp, out)
8E 1? 20 STX $201?
inp = list(map(lambda x: bytes.fromhex("8E" + x + "20"), REG))
out = list(map(lambda x: bytes.fromhex("8E" + x + "20"), REG_INV))
replace(b, bout, inp, out)
A2 1? LDX #$1?
9D 00 20 STA $2000,X
inp = list(map(lambda x: bytes.fromhex("A2" + x + "9D 00 20"), REG))
out = list(map(lambda x: bytes.fromhex("A2" + x + "9D 00 20"), REG_INV))
# Total: 11
# 2: Breaks main menu
# 0, 9, 10: For "51 IN 1" menu
# Rest: Unknown
replace(b, bout, inp, out, excluded=(2, 1,3,4,5,6,7,8))
# Game 2
A2 1? LDX #$1?
98 TYA
9D 00 20 STA $2000,X
inp = list(map(lambda x: bytes.fromhex("A2" + x + "98 9D 00 20"), REG))
out = list(map(lambda x: bytes.fromhex("A2" + x + "98 9D 00 20"), REG_INV))
replace(b, bout, inp, out)
# $8000 #
# Game 1
0000 A0 05 LDY #$05 ; A0 00 LDY #$00
0002 8C 00 80 STY $8000
0005 AD F0 07 LDA $07F0
0008 8D 01 80 STA $8001
000B 88 DEY ; C8 INY
000C 8C 00 80 STY $8000
000F AD F1 07 LDA $07F1
0012 8D 01 80 STA $8001
0015 88 DEY ; C8 INY
0016 8C 00 80 STY $8000
0019 AD F2 07 LDA $07F2
001C 8D 01 80 STA $8001
001F 88 DEY ; C8 INY
0020 8C 00 80 STY $8000
0023 AD F3 07 LDA $07F3
0026 8D 01 80 STA $8001
0029 88 DEY ; C8 INY
002A 8C 00 80 STY $8000
002D AD F4 07 LDA $07F4
0030 8D 01 80 STA $8001
0033 88 DEY ; C8 INY
0034 8C 00 80 STY $8000
0037 AD F5 07 LDA $07F5
003A 8D 01 80 STA $8001
003D 60 RTS
inp = (
"A0 05 8C 00 80 AD F0 07 8D 01 80"
"88 8C 00 80 AD F1 07 8D 01 80"
"88 8C 00 80 AD F2 07 8D 01 80"
"88 8C 00 80 AD F3 07 8D 01 80"
"88 8C 00 80 AD F4 07 8D 01 80"
"88 8C 00 80 AD F5 07 8D 01 80 60")
out = (
"A0 00 8C 00 80 AD F0 07 8D 01 80"
"C8 8C 00 80 AD F1 07 8D 01 80"
"C8 8C 00 80 AD F2 07 8D 01 80"
"C8 8C 00 80 AD F3 07 8D 01 80"
"C8 8C 00 80 AD F4 07 8D 01 80"
"C8 8C 00 80 AD F5 07 8D 01 80 60")
inp = bytes.fromhex(inp)
out = bytes.fromhex(out)
replace(b, bout, [inp], [out])
# Title screens 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 24, 36, 45
# $8000, $8001, $8000, $8001, ...
inp = "00 00 01 02 02 04 03 05 04 06 05 07"
out = "05 00 04 02 03 04 02 05 01 06 00 07"
inp = bytes.fromhex(inp)
out = bytes.fromhex(out)
# Total: 13
# Included (index - game):
# 3 - 45, 4 - 36, 5 - 24, 7 - 13, 8 - 12, 9 - 11, 10 - 9, 11 - 6, 12 - 8
# Excluded:
# 6 - 20 (0x317D7B)
# 0, 1, 2 - Unknown
replace(b, bout, [inp], [out], excluded=(0,1,2, 6))
# Games 5, 14, 17
# $8000, $8001, $8000, $8001, ..., FF, ...
inp = "00 00 01 02 02 04 FF 00 08 01 0A 02 0C 03 0D 04 0E 05 0F FF"
out = "05 00 04 02 03 04 FF 05 08 04 0A 03 0C 02 0D 01 0E 00 0F FF"
inp = bytes.fromhex(inp)
out = bytes.fromhex(out)
replace(b, bout, [inp], [out])
# Games 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 24, 36, 45
# $8000, $8001, $8000, $8001, ..., FF, ...
inp = "00 08 01 0A 02 0C 03 0D 04 0E 05 0F FF"
out = "05 08 04 0A 03 0C 02 0D 01 0E 00 0F FF"
inp = bytes.fromhex(inp)
out = bytes.fromhex(out)
# Total: 15
# Included (index - game):
# 1 - 45, 2 - 36, 3 - 24, 7 - 13, 8 - 12, 9 - 11, 10 - 9, 11 - 6, 14 - 8
# Excluded:
# 4 - 20 (0x317E7A)
# 5 - 5, 6 - 14, 12 - 17 (repeats previous replacement, no effect)
# 0, 13 - Unknown
replace(b, bout, [inp], [out], excluded=(0,13, 4, 5,6,12))
# Game 42
0000 A2 05 LDX #$05 ; A2 00 LDX #$00
0002 8E 00 80 STX $8000
0005 8D 01 80 STA $8001
0008 18 CLC
0009 69 02 ADC #$02
000B A2 04 LDX #$04 ; A2 01 LDX #$01
000D 8E 00 80 STX $8000
0010 8D 01 80 STA $8001
0013 60 RTS
0014 A0 04 LDY #$04
0016 A2 03 LDX #$03 ; A2 02 LDX #$02
0018 8E 00 80 STX $8000
001B 8C 01 80 STY $8001
001E C8 INY
001F A2 02 LDX #$02 ; A2 03 LDX #$03
0021 8E 00 80 STX $8000
0024 8C 01 80 STY $8001
0027 C8 INY
0028 A2 01 LDX #$01 ; A2 04 LDX #$04
002A 8E 00 80 STX $8000
002D 8C 01 80 STY $8001
0030 C8 INY
0031 A2 00 LDX #$00 ; A2 05 LDX #$05
0033 8E 00 80 STX $8000
A2 0? LDX #$0?
8E 00 80 STX $8000
inp = ["00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05"]
out = ["05", "04", "03", "02", "01", "00"]
inp = list(map(lambda x: bytes.fromhex("A2" + x + "8E 00 80"), inp))
out = list(map(lambda x: bytes.fromhex("A2" + x + "8E 00 80"), out))
replace(b, bout, inp, out)
filename = "{}_fixed{}".format(path.stem, path.suffix)
path_out = path.with_name(filename)
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