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Forked from micahlee/
Created February 24, 2022 16:34
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Conjur K8s Authenticator Debugging
  • Display role bindings for conjur-cluster service account token

    oc get clusterrolebindings -o json \
      | jq '.items | map(select(any(.subjects[]; .name | contains("conjur-cluster"))))'
  • Display conjur-authenticator role information

    oc describe clusterrole conjur-authenticator
  • Display configured K8s CA certificate

    conjur variable value conjur/authn-k8s/<AUTHENTICATOR_ID>/kubernetes/ca-cert
  • Verify service account token is what's expected

    This does not output the service token itself, but does display the MD5 sum of the token.

    TOKEN_SECRET_NAME="$(kubectl get secrets -n <FOLLOWER_NAMESPACE> \
        | grep 'conjur.*service-account-token' \
        | head -n1 \
        | awk '{print $1}')"
    # Show MD5 sum for expected token
    oc get secret -n <FOLLOWER_NAMESPACE> $TOKEN_SECRET_NAME -o json \
        | jq -r .data.token \
        | base64 --decode \
        | md5sum
    # Show MD5 sum for stored token
    conjur variable value conjur/authn-k8s/<AUTHENTICATOR_ID>/kubernetes/service-account-token \
        | md5sum
  • Display configured API URL for authenticator

    echo "$(conjur variable value conjur/authn-k8s/<AUTHENTICATOR_ID>/kubernetes/api-url)"
  • Display generated CA certificate for authenticator

    conjur variable value conjur/authn-k8s/<AUTHENTICATOR_ID>/ca/cert
  • Retrieve metadata about generated CA key:

    Conjur show demo:variable:conjur/authn-k8s/<AUTHENTICATOR_ID>/ca/key
  • List configured authenticators:

    curl -ks https://localhost/info | jq .authenticators
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