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Created November 12, 2018 09:23
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# Mnemosyne configuration file.
# This file contains settings which we deem to be too specialised to be
# accesible from the GUI. However, if you use some of these settings, feel
# free to inform the developers so that it can be re-evaluated if these
# settings need to be exposed in the GUI.
# Science server. Only change when prompted by the developers.
science_server = ""
# Set to True to prevent you from accidentally revealing the answer when
# clicking the edit button.
only_editable_when_answer_shown = False
# Set to False if you don't want the tag names to be shown in the review
# window.
show_tags_during_review = True
# The number of daily backups to keep. Set to -1 for no limit.
max_backups = 10
# Start the card browser with the last used colum sort. Can have a serious
# performance penalty for large databases.
start_card_browser_sorted = False
# The moment the new day starts. Defaults to 3 am. Could be useful to change
# if you are a night bird. You can only set the hours, not minutes, and
# midnight corresponds to 0.
day_starts_at = 3
# On mobile clients with slow SD cards copying a large database for the backup
# before sync can take longer than the sync itself, so we offer reckless users
# the possibility to skip this.
backup_before_sync = True
# Latex preamble. Note that for the pre- and postamble you need to use double
# slashes instead of single slashes here, to have them escaped when Python
# reads them in.
latex_preamble = r"""
# Latex postamble.
latex_postamble = r"""\end{document}"""
# Latex command.
latex = "latex -interaction=nonstopmode"
# Latex dvipng command.
dvipng = "dvipng -D 200 -T tight tmp.dvi"
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