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Imran Baig imran-baig-se

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imran-baig-se / ipassign
Created December 31, 2017 11:48 — forked from jsianes/ipassign
Script to assign Public IP from Elastic IP pool for instances hosted in AWS. 'ec2-utils' and AWS CLI packages required. Instance role or access keys need to allow at least next EC2 actions: describe-addresses, associate-address and disassociate-address. Shell script is designed to be integrated with instance start-up
# chkconfig: 2345 99 10
# description: Set Public IP from ElasticIP pool during instance startup
# processname: ipassign
# Provides: ipassign
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:
# Short-Description: Set Public IP from ElasticIP pool during instance startup
imran-baig-se /
Created August 19, 2017 08:44 — forked from ryanmaclean/
Check if Docker Image with Tag Exists
# This script will check to see if a Docker image exists for a specific tag.
# Taken from here, with love:
TOKEN=$( curl -sSLd "username=${DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME}&password=${DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD}" | jq -r ".token" )
curl -sH "Authorization: JWT $TOKEN" "${DOCKER_REPO}/tags/${DOCKER_TAG}/" | jq .
# "name": "latest",
# "id": 780668,