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embed maker command
A quick embed maker command.
Supports Title, URL, Description, Color, Timestamp,
Author (name, icon, url), Footer (icon, name), Image (url), Thumbnail (url)
adding and inserting fields (name, value, inline, index),
removing fields (index),
clearing fields,
editing fields (select -> name, value, inline)
export to json (text file if > 2000 chars),
import to json (modal but limited to 4000 chars),
reset and done buttons.
import io
import copy
import json
import datetime
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord import app_commands
class InputModal(discord.ui.Modal):
def __init__(self, name, *text_inputs):
super().__init__(title = '{} Modal'.format(name), timeout = 300.0)
for text_input in text_inputs:
self.done = False # prevents submitting same modal twice
async def on_submit(self, interaction):
if not self.done:
self.interaction = interaction
self.done = True
class EmbedMakerView(discord.ui.View):
def __init__(self, interaction, embed):
self.interaction = interaction
self.embed = embed
self.embed_dict = copy.deepcopy(embed.to_dict()) # used for default values and reverting changes
self.embed_original = copy.deepcopy(self.embed_dict) # for resetting
async def interaction_check(self, interaction):
if interaction.user == self.interaction.user:
return True
await interaction.response.send_message('This is not your interaction.', ephemeral = True)
return False
async def on_error(self, interaction, error, item):
embed = discord.Embed(
title = 'Edit failed',
description = '```fix\n{} \n```',
color =
if isinstance(error, discord.HTTPException):
embed.description = embed.description.format(error.text)
await self.interaction.followup.send(embed = embed, ephemeral = True)
elif isinstance(error, (ValueError, TypeError)): # .convert() failed, reuse the modal.interaction
embed.description = embed.description.format(str(error))
await error.interaction.response.send_message(embed = embed, ephemeral = True)
#print('unhandled error:', interaction, error, item, error.__class__.__mro__, sep = '\n')
raise error
async def do(self, interaction, button, *text_inputs, method = None):
name = button.label.lower()
old_values = []
for text_input in text_inputs:
old = self.embed_dict.get(name, None)
if hasattr(text_input, 'key'):
if old:
old = old.get(text_input.key, None)
text_input.default = old
modal = InputModal(button.label, *text_inputs)
await interaction.response.send_modal(modal)
timed_out = await modal.wait()
if timed_out or not modal.done:
new_values = []
for text_input in text_inputs:
new = text_input.value.strip()
if new:
if hasattr(text_input, 'convert'):
new = text_input.convert(new)
except Exception as error:
error.interaction = modal.interaction
raise error
if old_values == new_values:
return await modal.interaction.response.defer()
if method:
kwargs = {
text_input.key : new
for text_input, new in zip(text_inputs, new_values)
getattr(self.embed, method)(**kwargs) # embed.set_author(name=...,url=...)
setattr(self.embed, name, new_values[0]) # embed.title = ...
await modal.interaction.response.edit_message(embed = self.embed)
except Exception as error:
self.embed = discord.Embed.from_dict(copy.deepcopy(self.embed_dict))
raise error
self.embed_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.embed.to_dict())
def update_fields(self, embed_dict = None):
embed_dict = embed_dict or self.embed_dict
if 'fields' in embed_dict and embed_dict['fields']:
self.remove_field_button.disabled = False
self.clear_fields_button.disabled = False
self.edit_field_select.disabled = False
self.edit_field_select.options = [
discord.SelectOption(label = 'Field {}'.format(i+1), description = field['name'][:100])
for i, field in enumerate(embed_dict['fields'])
self.remove_field_button.disabled = True
self.clear_fields_button.disabled = True
self.edit_field_select.disabled = True
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Title', style = discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def title_button(self, interaction, button):
text_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = button.label,
placeholder = 'The title of the embed.',
required = False
await, button, text_input)
@discord.ui.button(label = 'URL', style = discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def url_button(self, interaction, button):
text_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = button.label,
placeholder = 'The URL of the embed.',
required = False
await, button, text_input)
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Description', style = discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def description_button(self, interaction, button):
text_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = button.label,
placeholder = 'The description of the embed.',
style = discord.TextStyle.long,
required = False
await, button, text_input)
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Color', style = discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def color_button(self, interaction, button):
text_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = button.label,
placeholder = 'A hex string like "#ffab12" or a number <= 16777215.',
required = False
text_input.convert = lambda x: int(x) if x.isnumeric() else int(x.lstrip('#'), base = 16)
await, button, text_input)
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Timestamp', style = discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def timestamp_button(self, interaction, button):
text_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = button.label,
placeholder = 'A unix timestamp or a number like "1659876635".',
required = False
def convert(x):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(x))
return datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') # 1970-01-02T10:12:03+00:00
text_input.convert = convert
await, button, text_input)
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Author', style = discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def author_button(self, interaction, button):
name_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Author Name',
placeholder = 'The name of the author.',
required = False
name_input.key = 'name'
url_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Author URL',
placeholder = 'The URL for the author.',
required = False
url_input.key = 'url'
icon_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Author Icon URL',
placeholder = 'The URL for the author icon.',
required = False
icon_input.key = 'icon_url'
text_inputs = [name_input, url_input, icon_input]
await, button, *text_inputs, method = 'set_author')
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Thumbnail', style = discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def thumbnail_button(self, interaction, button):
text_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = button.label,
placeholder = 'The source URL for the thumbnail.',
required = False
text_input.key = 'url'
await, button, text_input, method = 'set_thumbnail')
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Image', style = discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def image_button(self, interaction, button):
text_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = button.label,
placeholder = 'The source URL for the image.',
required = False
text_input.key = 'url'
await, button, text_input, method = 'set_image')
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Footer', style = discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def footer_button(self, interaction, button):
text_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Footer Text',
placeholder = 'The footer text.',
required = False
text_input.key = 'text'
icon_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Footer Icon URL',
placeholder = 'The URL of the footer icon.',
required = False
icon_input.key = 'icon_url'
text_inputs = [text_input, icon_input]
await, button, *text_inputs, method = 'set_footer')
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Add Field', style = discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def add_field_button(self, interaction, button):
name_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Field Name',
placeholder = 'The name of the field.'
value_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Field Value',
placeholder = 'The value of the field.',
style = discord.TextStyle.long
inline_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Field Inline (Optional)',
placeholder = 'Type "1" for inline, otherwise not inline.',
required = False
index_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Field Index (Optional)',
placeholder = 'Insert before field(n+1), default at the end.',
required = False
text_inputs = [name_input, value_input, inline_input, index_input]
modal = InputModal(button.label, *text_inputs)
await interaction.response.send_modal(modal)
timed_out = await modal.wait()
if timed_out or not modal.done:
inline = inline_input.value.strip() == '1'
index = None
if index_input.value.strip().isnumeric():
index = int(index_input.value)
embed = discord.Embed.from_dict(copy.deepcopy(self.embed_dict))
kwargs = {
'name' : name_input.value,
'value' : value_input.value,
'inline' : inline
if index or index == 0:
kwargs['index'] = index
if embed == self.embed:
return await modal.interaction.response.defer()
await modal.interaction.response.edit_message(embed = embed, view = self)
except Exception as error:
raise error
self.embed = embed
self.embed_dict = copy.deepcopy(embed.to_dict()) = 'Edit Field', options = [discord.SelectOption(label = 'invisible option', description = 'because options cant be empty')])
async def edit_field_select(self, interaction, select):
index = int(select.values[0].lstrip('Field ')) - 1
field = self.embed_dict['fields'][index]
name_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Field Name',
placeholder = 'The name of the field.',
default = field['name']
value_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Field Value',
placeholder = 'The value of the field.',
style = discord.TextStyle.long,
default = field['value']
inline_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Field Inline (Optional)',
placeholder = 'Type "1" for inline, otherwise not inline.',
required = False,
default = str(int(field['inline']))
text_inputs = [name_input, value_input, inline_input]
modal = InputModal(select.placeholder, *text_inputs)
await interaction.response.send_modal(modal)
timed_out = await modal.wait()
if timed_out or not modal.done:
inline = inline_input.value.strip() == '1'
kwargs = {
'index' : index,
'name' : name_input.value,
'value' : value_input.value,
'inline' : inline
embed = discord.Embed.from_dict(copy.deepcopy(self.embed_dict))
if embed == self.embed:
return await modal.interaction.response.defer()
await modal.interaction.response.edit_message(embed = embed, view = self)
except Exception as error:
raise error
self.embed = embed
self.embed_dict = copy.deepcopy(embed.to_dict())
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Remove Field', style = discord.ButtonStyle.blurple)
async def remove_field_button(self, interaction, button):
# ?tag no modal selects
text_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'Field Index (Optional)',
placeholder = 'Remove field(n+1), default removes last field.',
required = False
modal = InputModal(button.label, text_input)
await interaction.response.send_modal(modal)
timed_out = await modal.wait()
if timed_out or not modal.done:
if text_input.value.strip().isnumeric():
index = int(text_input.value)
index = len(self.embed_dict['fields']) - 1
embed = discord.Embed.from_dict(copy.deepcopy(self.embed_dict))
if embed == self.embed:
return await modal.interaction.response.defer()
self.embed = embed
self.embed_dict = copy.deepcopy(embed.to_dict())
await modal.interaction.response.edit_message(embed = embed, view = self)
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Clear Fields', style =
async def clear_fields_button(self, interaction, button):
self.embed_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.embed.to_dict())
await interaction.response.edit_message(embed = self.embed, view = self)
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Reset', style =
async def reset_button(self, interaction, button):
if self.embed_original == self.embed_dict:
return await interaction.response.defer()
self.embed = discord.Embed.from_dict(copy.deepcopy(self.embed_original))
self.embed_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.embed_original)
await interaction.response.edit_message(embed = self.embed, view = self)
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Import JSON', style =
async def import_button(self, interaction, button):
text_input = discord.ui.TextInput(
label = 'JSON',
placeholder = 'Paste JSON data here.',
style = discord.TextStyle.long
#more than 4000 characters needs files/pastebin
modal = InputModal(button.label, text_input)
await interaction.response.send_modal(modal)
timed_out = await modal.wait()
if timed_out:
embed_dict = json.loads(text_input.value)
except Exception as error:
error.interaction = modal.interaction
raise error
embed = discord.Embed.from_dict(embed_dict)
if embed == self.embed:
return await modal.interaction.response.defer()
await modal.interaction.response.edit_message(embed = embed)
self.embed = embed
self.embed_dict = copy.deepcopy(embed.to_dict()) # no user keys
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Export JSON', style =
async def export_button(self, interaction, button):
data = json.dumps(self.embed_dict, indent = 2)
text = '```json\n{}```'
if len(data) > 2000 - len(text) + 2:
await interaction.response.send_message(
file = discord.File(io.StringIO(data), filename = 'embedmaker.json'),
ephemeral = True
await interaction.response.send_message(text.format(data), ephemeral = True)
@discord.ui.button(label = 'Stop', style =
async def stop_button(self, interaction, button):
await interaction.response.edit_message(view = None)
class EmbedMaker(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
async def embedmaker(self, interaction):
"""Interactively makes an embed from scratch"""
embed = discord.Embed(
title = 'Embed Maker!',
#description = 'Click the buttons below to edit this embed.'
view = EmbedMakerView(interaction, embed)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed = embed, view = view)
timed_out = await view.wait()
if timed_out:
message = await interaction.original_message()
await message.edit(view = None)
async def setup(bot):
await bot.add_cog(EmbedMaker(bot))
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