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Created June 3, 2017 03:17
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public static func noteTitles(content: String) -> (String, String) {
let lines = content.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).components(separatedBy: "\n")
let title = lines[0].characters.count > 0 ? lines[0] : "New Note"
let sub = lines.count > 1 ? lines[1] : ""
return (title, sub)
public static func loadNoteContent(note: Note) -> String {
let contentString = NSMutableString(string: "")
for op in note.operations {
print("Applying operation \(op)")
switch op.operationType {
case OperationType.insert.rawValue:
contentString.insert(op.content, at: op.cursor)
case OperationType.replace.rawValue:
contentString.replaceCharacters(in: NSMakeRange(op.cursor, op.length), with: op.content)
print("Got content \(contentString)")
return String(contentString)
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