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Last active January 3, 2019 21:29
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  • Save imns/a2be85c823a09aa1af26b45dd95f6f45 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Launch List

Checklist for pre launch
  • All text free from spelling errors
  • Page and content formatting appropriate on all pages
  • Placeholder text removed
  • All pages have content
  • Privacy Policy included (Generate one at
  • Favicon created and displays correctly (retina included)
  • Footer includes copyright statement
  • 404 page exists and informative
  • Correct author is attributed to pages and posts (as required)
  • Page titles are descriptive and SEO friendly
  • All page titles are unique
  • Meta data included and appropriate
  • H1s used for page titles and only one H1 per page
  • XML sitemap has been generated and added to root of website
  • robots.txt is generated and added to root of website
  • 301 redirects for existing website are prepared and in place
  • Google Analytics and relevant analytics/tracking tools installed
  • Open Graph tags included across website and appropriate? (including images where possible)
  • Social accounts integrated, linking to correct URLs and use API for integrations
  • HTML has passed validation (or known issues noted)
  • CSS has passed validation (or known issues noted)
  • Bonus: CSS tested on CSS Lint (to hurt your feelings)
  • Site links have been tested and resolve correctly
  • JavaScript is error free
  • Semantic headings and structure used
  • Images use appropriate ALT text
  • Forms have logical layout
  • Associated label for all form controls
  • Colour contrast tested
  • Displays & functions correctly in IE9
  • Displays & functions correctly in IE10
  • Displays & functions correctly in IE11
  • Displays & functions correctly in Firefox (Windows)
  • Displays & functions correctly in Firefox (Mac)
  • Displays & functions correctly in Chrome (Windows)
  • Displays & functions correctly in Chrome (Mac)
  • Displays & functions correctly in Safari (Mac)
  • Displays & functions correctly in Safari (iOS – Mobile)
  • Displays & functions correctly in Safari (iOS – iPad)
  • Displays & functions correctly in Chrome (iOS – Mobile)
  • Displays & functions correctly in Chrome (iOS – iPad)
  • Displays & functions correctly in Chrome (Android – Mobile)
  • Displays & functions correctly in Chrome (Android – Tablet)
  • Displays & functions correctly in stock browser (Android)
  • Displays & functions correctly in Microsoft Edge
  • Displays & functions correctly on large resolutions
  • Forms have been tested and processed correctly
  • Required fields have been tested
  • Review input validation (min/max lengths, character limits)
  • Forms send to the correct recipient
  • Images have been optimised
  • CSS is minified and combined
  • JavaScript is minified and combined (as much as possible)
  • Enable gzip compression
  • Ensure only necessary fonts, weights and character sets are installed
  • Run Google speed test and optimise accordingly (record score and known issues)
  • Incorporate CDN / Caching as required
  • Secure areas are locked down and not accessible by search engines
  • Default CMS login URL is changed
  • Default CMS username is changed
  • Ensure site is visible to search engines
  • SSL certificates successfully installed
  • Images, media and links reference live URL
  • Webfonts integrated and working correctly on live site
  • Webfonts set to production (as required)
  • 301 redirects are in place and working correctly
  • Website URL has been submitted to Google
  • Generate a new sitemap.xml and upload to root
  • Site added to Google Webmaster tools and sitemap submitted
  • Analytics has been setup and integrated into website
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