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Junglei Kim imjlk

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JoeyBurzynski / cloudflare-worker-ip-to-real-client-ip-address.js
Last active May 11, 2024 13:58
Resolving Cloudflare Worker IP Issues [Replace Cloudflare Worker IP with Real Client IP in X-Forwarded-For HTTP Header]
// Cloudflare Worker Sandbox Examples
// Learning here, not intended for production use.
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
yermulnik / config.yml
Last active May 3, 2024 21:08
GH CLI multi-account switch
git_protocol: ssh
personal: '!cp ~/.config/gh/hosts.yml.personal ~/.config/gh/hosts.yml && gh auth status'
work: '!cp ~/.config/gh/ ~/.config/gh/hosts.yml && gh auth status'
chwnam / customize-permastruct.php
Created July 30, 2021 10:23
Modify CPT URL permastructure
* Plugin Name: My CPT with custom permalink.
* Description: Change permalink from /cpt/%postname% to /cpt/%post_id%.
add_action( 'init', 'my_cpt_init' );
function my_cpt_init() {
hmmhmmhm / sigungu.json
Last active April 27, 2023 15:50
한국의 모든 시/군/구 전국 지역 좌표 JSON 대한민국 지역 좌표 pre_rendered
"서울특별시/강남구": {
"lat": "37.4951",
"long": "127.06278"
"서울특별시/강동구": {
"lat": "37.55274",
"long": "127.14546"
"서울특별시/강북구": {
# Read more about setting it up
- '*'
bergmannjg /
Last active September 19, 2024 12:38
Building a react native app in WSL2
jasonbahl / order-by-acf-like-count.php
Last active July 10, 2024 20:41
Shows how to add a custom order value to a connection to order by a custom field.
add_filter( 'graphql_PostObjectsConnectionOrderbyEnum_values', function( $values ) {
$values['LIKE_COUNT'] = [
'value' => 'like_count',
'description' => __( 'The number of likes on the post', 'wp-graphql' ),
return $values;
} );
FranciscoG / acf_repeater_shortcode.php
Last active April 18, 2024 00:00
An Advanced Custom Fields shortcode that allows to loop through a field with a repeater. This only handles simple cases, it can't handle nested repeater fields
* ACF Pro repeater field shortcode
* I created this shortcode function because it didn't exist and it was being requested by others
* I originally posted it here:
* @attr {string} field - (Required) the name of the field that contains a repeater sub group
* @attr {string} sub_fields - (Required) a comma separated list of sub field names that are part of the field repeater group
* @attr {string} post_id - (Optional) Specific post ID where your value was entered. Defaults to current post ID (not required). This can also be options / taxonomies / users / etc
taggon / korean.txt
Created December 19, 2017 07:40
완성형 한글2350자+자음+모음+영문자+특수기호
CodingDoug /
Last active December 17, 2022 10:23
Copying data from Firebase Realtime Database to a Google Sheet in real time via Cloud Functions