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Last active June 28, 2024 07:50
Linux Bash Script to toggle faster mysql db imports
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# USAGE: mysqlOptimizeForImports <- before importing
# mysqlDefaultSettings <- to go back to normal
# Based on
mysqlConfigLocation="/etc/mysql/my.cnf" # <-- change to the correct for your system, should be for global mysql settings
andreasonny83 / .gitignore
Last active August 27, 2024 17:16
Gitignore template for JavaScript projects
# See for more about ignoring files.
# compiled output
# Runtime data
jayphelps / package.json
Last active June 29, 2024 15:53
TypeScript output es2015, esm (ES Modules), CJS, UMD, UMD + Min + Gzip. Assumes you install typescript (tsc), rollup, uglifyjs either globally or included as devDependencies
"scripts": {
"build": "npm run build:es2015 && npm run build:esm && npm run build:cjs && npm run build:umd && npm run build:umd:min",
"build:es2015": "tsc --module es2015 --target es2015 --outDir dist/es2015",
"build:esm": "tsc --module es2015 --target es5 --outDir dist/esm",
"build:cjs": "tsc --module commonjs --target es5 --outDir dist/cjs",
"build:umd": "rollup dist/esm/index.js --format umd --name YourLibrary --sourceMap --output dist/umd/yourlibrary.js",
"build:umd:min": "cd dist/umd && uglifyjs --compress --mangle --source-map --screw-ie8 --comments --o yourlibrary.min.js -- yourlibrary.js && gzip yourlibrary.min.js -c > yourlibrary.min.js.gz",
mocanuga / reset_database
Created April 26, 2017 10:58
Truncate all tables in a mysql or mariadb database shell script
#! /bin/bash
# don't forget to chmod +x reset_database #
# usage: ./reset_database dbname #
# enter db password when prompted #
# set the database name
johannesjo / table-to-json.js
Last active September 21, 2024 22:07
Snippet to convert html table to json (to be used with google chrome or similiar)
function tableToJson(table) {
var data = [];
// first row needs to be headers
var headers = [];
for (var i=0; i<table.rows[0].cells.length; i++) {
headers[i] = table.rows[0].cells[i].innerHTML.toLowerCase().replace(/ /gi,'');
// go through cells
efenacigiray / replaceAt
Last active August 23, 2023 17:55
Javascript replace char at index
function replaceAt(string, index, replace) {
return string.substring(0, index) + replace + string.substring(index + 1);
chriskoch / drawString.js
Created April 14, 2010 16:59
draw a multiline string in a html5 canvas element including rotation font fontsize and color
* draw a multiline string rotated in a canvas
* @param ctx (M) context of the canvas
* @param text (M) string may contain \n
* @param posX (M) horizontal start position
* @param posY (M) vertical start position
* @param textColor color
* @param rotation in degrees (by 360)
* @param font must be installed on client use websafe