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Created April 23, 2022 23:49
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External password authorization script for OpenVPN server
# Environment variables:
# username (required)
# password (optional for all except check)
# Usage in openvpn-server.conf:
# auth-user-pass-verify "/etc/openvpn/passwd-auth-script" via-env
# script-security 3
# verify-client-cert none
# username-as-common-name
FILE="$(dirname "$0")/passwd-auth-userlist"
Fail() { echo "Error: $@" 1>&2; exit 1; }
CheckExists() { grep -q "^$NAME:" "$FILE"; }
Check() {
local A="$(awk -F: '/^'"$NAME"':/ { print $2; exit }' "$FILE")"
local B="${A#\$apr1\$}" # ..strip prefix "apr1"
local C="${B%\$*}" # ..get salt
local D="$(openssl passwd -apr1 -salt "$C" "$password")"
test "$A" = "$D"
Add() {
local SALT="$(openssl rand -hex 4)"
local PASS="$(openssl rand -hex 20)"
local HASH="$(openssl passwd -apr1 -salt "$SALT" "$PASS")"
umask 027
touch "$FILE"
{ grep -v "^$NAME:" "$FILE"; echo "$NAME:$HASH"; } > "$FILE.$$"
chown root:openvpn "$FILE.$$"
chmod 640 "$FILE.$$"
mv "$FILE.$$" "$FILE"
case "$CMD" in
check ) CheckExists && Check ;;
create ) CheckExists && Fail "user $NAME already exists." || Add ;;
replace ) CheckExists || Fail "user $NAME not found."; Add ;;
add | update ) Add ;;
* ) Fail "wrong command $1" ;;
## END ##
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