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Last active September 19, 2022 06:28
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  • Save ilovejs/a9ab9ee7a37dfc83113af740782a454a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Hi! There are not such a settings. They are also absent in the Nemo settings. I made the next: CODE: SELECT ALL

nano ~/.local/share/applications/nemo.desktop

$ sudo subl /usr/local/share/applications/nemo.desktop

Then wrote at it Caveat: Desktop Bin will open ur Downlaod folder. cuz we hard coded it...

[Desktop Entry]
Name=My lovely folder
Comment=To launch it at first of all
Exec=nemo /home/YourNAME/someway/somewhere # there was "nemo %U"
# Translators: these are keywords of the file manager
StartupNotify=true # to notify when launching applications.

You can see the similar file at CODE: SELECT ALL

$ less /usr/share/applications/nemo.desktop

This is for all users at your system. At your home directory you can make changes only for yourselves.

Then we need to stop nemo:

$ nemo -q

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