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Created June 13, 2020 15:26
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[ DEBUG ] Could not load .env.development file: open(file:oFlag:mode:): No such file or directory (errno: 2) (Vapor/Application.swift:132)
[ DEBUG ] Factory created. [RedisConnectionFactory: DC0B14E3-DB44-43F6-836E-4D714D833D84] (RedisKit/RedisConnectionSource.swift:20)
[ DEBUG ] No available connections on this event loop, creating a new one [database-id: psql] (AsyncKit/ConnectionPool/EventLoopConnectionPool.swift:193)
[ DEBUG ] Logging into Postgres db sb_dev as sb (PostgresNIO/Connection/PostgresConnection+Authenticate.swift:42)
[ DEBUG ] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "_fluent_migrations"("id" UUID PRIMARY KEY, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "batch" BIGINT NOT NULL, "created_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, "updated_at" TIMESTAMPTZ, CONSTRAINT "" UNIQUE ("name")) [] [database-id: psql] (PostgresNIO/PostgresDatabase+Query.swift:124)
[ NOTICE ] relation "_fluent_migrations" already exists, skipping (transformCreateStmt) (PostgresNIO/Connection/PostgresConnection+Database.swift:60)
[ DEBUG ] Checking for pre-release migration names. [database-id: psql] (FluentKit/Migration/Migrator.swift:175)
[ DEBUG ] query aggregate(count(_fluent_migrations[id])) _fluent_migrations filters=[_fluent_migrations[name] ~~ ["CreateSearchItem", "CreateGenre", "_Migration", "CreateMovieGenre", "CreateEmailToken", "CreatePasswordResetToken", "AddIsContactableToUser", "CreateMovieKeyword", "CreateKeyword", "CreateMovie", "CreateUser"]] [database-id: psql] (FluentKit/Query/Builder/QueryBuilder.swift:266)
[ DEBUG ] SELECT COUNT("_fluent_migrations"."id") AS "aggregate" FROM "_fluent_migrations" WHERE "_fluent_migrations"."name" IN ($1 , $2 , $3 , $4 , $5 , $6 , $7 , $8 , $9 , $10 , $11) ["CreateSearchItem", "CreateGenre", "_Migration", "CreateMovieGenre", "CreateEmailToken", "CreatePasswordResetToken", "AddIsContactableToUser", "CreateMovieKeyword", "CreateKeyword", "CreateMovie", "CreateUser"] [database-id: psql] (PostgresNIO/PostgresDatabase+Query.swift:124)
[ DEBUG ] query read _fluent_migrations [database-id: psql] (FluentKit/Query/Builder/QueryBuilder.swift:266)
[ DEBUG ] No available connections on this event loop, creating a new one [database-id: psql] (AsyncKit/ConnectionPool/EventLoopConnectionPool.swift:193)
[ DEBUG ] Logging into Postgres db sb_dev as sb (PostgresNIO/Connection/PostgresConnection+Authenticate.swift:42)
[ DEBUG ] SELECT "_fluent_migrations"."id" AS "_fluent_migrations_id", "_fluent_migrations"."name" AS "_fluent_migrations_name", "_fluent_migrations"."batch" AS "_fluent_migrations_batch", "_fluent_migrations"."created_at" AS "_fluent_migrations_created_at", "_fluent_migrations"."updated_at" AS "_fluent_migrations_updated_at" FROM "_fluent_migrations" [] [database-id: psql] (PostgresNIO/PostgresDatabase+Query.swift:124)
[ DEBUG ] query read _fluent_migrations limits=[count(1)] [database-id: psql] (FluentKit/Query/Builder/QueryBuilder.swift:266)
[ DEBUG ] SELECT "_fluent_migrations"."id" AS "_fluent_migrations_id", "_fluent_migrations"."name" AS "_fluent_migrations_name", "_fluent_migrations"."batch" AS "_fluent_migrations_batch", "_fluent_migrations"."created_at" AS "_fluent_migrations_created_at", "_fluent_migrations"."updated_at" AS "_fluent_migrations_updated_at" FROM "_fluent_migrations" ORDER BY "_fluent_migrations"."batch" DESC LIMIT 1 [] [database-id: psql] (PostgresNIO/PostgresDatabase+Query.swift:124)
[ DEBUG ] CREATE TABLE "_fluent_sessions"("id" UUID PRIMARY KEY, "key" TEXT NOT NULL, "data" JSONB NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "uq:_fluent_sessions.key" UNIQUE ("key")) [] [database-id: psql] (PostgresNIO/PostgresDatabase+Query.swift:124)
[ ERROR ] relation "_fluent_sessions" already exists (heap_create_with_catalog) (PostgresNIO/Connection/PostgresConnection+Database.swift:56)
[ DEBUG ] Application shutting down (Vapor/Application.swift:138)
[ DEBUG ] Connection pool shutting down, closing each event loop's storage (AsyncKit/ConnectionPool/EventLoopGroupConnectionPool.swift:172)
[ DEBUG ] Connection pool shutting down, closing each event loop's storage (AsyncKit/ConnectionPool/EventLoopGroupConnectionPool.swift:172)
Fatal error: Error raised at top level: previousError(server: relation "_fluent_sessions" already exists (heap_create_with_catalog)): file /AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line 200
[1] 55702 illegal hardware instruction swift run Run queues --log debug
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