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Created July 18, 2023 08:10
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Force Remove RHV Hypervisor Hosts from Database
### Removal from RHV Manager UI is not possible anymore, remove button has been greyed out
# SSH to RHV Manager hosts
su - postgres
psql -d engine
SELECT vds_id FROM vds_static WHERE vds_name = 'hostname of the unresponsive hosts';
# Capture the vds_id
DELETE FROM vds_dynamic WHERE vds_id = 'vds_id of the unresponsive hosts';
DELETE FROM vds_statistics WHERE vds_id = 'vds_id of the unresponsive hosts';
DELETE FROM vds_static WHERE vds_name = 'hostname of the unresponsive hosts';
# Check again the unresponsive hosts, make sure it has been removed from the hosts lists
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