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Last active September 21, 2024 19:47
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BeamNG Dynamic horizon lock (pitch)
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the bCDDL, v. 1.1.
-- If a copy of the bCDDL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at
-- Modified for pitch damping by ikt
-- File path:\lua\ge\extensions\core\cameraModes
-- Changelog:
-- 2023-01-31: Initial version for 0.27
-- 2023-04-15: Updated for 0.28
-- 2023-04-16: Fix pitch not reset on camera change
-- 2024-07-28: Updated for 0.32
-- 2024-09-21: Updated for 0.33
local vecY = vec3(0,1,0)
local vecZ = vec3(0,0,1)
local min, max, abs = math.min, math.max, math.abs
local function lerp(a, b, f)
return a + f * (b - a)
local qtmp = quat()
local function rotateEuler(x, y, z, q)
q = q or quat()
qtmp:setFromEuler(0, z, 0)
q:setMul2(qtmp, q)
qtmp:setFromEuler(0, 0, x)
q:setMul2(qtmp, q)
qtmp:setFromEuler(y, 0, 0)
q:setMul2(qtmp, q)
return q
local manualzoom = require('core/cameraModes/manualzoom')
local C = {}
C.__index = C
function C:init()
self.saveTimeout = nil
self.camLastRot = vec3()
self.rockPos = vec3()
self.cameraResetted = 3
self.camRot = vec3(0, 0, 0)
self.relativeYaw = 0
self.relativePitch = 0
self.fwdSpeed = 0
self.manualzoom = manualzoom()
self.vehicleIsMoving = false
self.pitchAvg = 0
function C:onVehicleCameraConfigChanged()
--trigger reloading of new vehicle from settings
self.seatPosition = nil
self.seatRotation = 0
--trigger gathering of new initial node position
self.camPosInitialLocal = nil
self.marginX = nil
self.cameraResetted = 3
self.pitchAvg = 0
function C:onSettingsChanged()
self.physicsFactor = settings.getValue('cameraDriverPhysics') / 100 -- 0..1 multiplier
self.autocenter = settings.getValue('cameraDriverAutocenter')
self.allowSeatAdjustments = settings.getValue('cameraDriverAllowSeatAdjustments')
self.stableHorizonFactor = settings.getValue('cameraDriverStableHorizon') / 100 -- 0..1 multiplier
self.lookAheadAngle = settings.getValue("cameraDriverLookAheadAngle") / 100
self.lookAheadSmoothness = settings.getValue("cameraDriverLookAheadSmoothness") / 100
self.manualzoom:init(settings.getValue('cameraDriverFov'), nil, nil, "")
self.openXRsnapTurnDriver = settings.getValue('openXRsnapTurnDriver')
function C:resetSeat()
self.rockPos = vec3()
self.seatPosition = vec3()
self.seatRotation = 0
self.saveTimeout = 0 -- trigger save instantaneously
self.pitchAvg = 0
function C:resetSeatAll()
self.rockPos = vec3()
self.seatPosition = vec3()
self.seatRotation = 0
self.saveTimeout = nil -- disable any ongoing auto-save
settings.setValue('cameraDriverVehicleConfigs', "{}")
self.pitchAvg = 0
function C:reset()
self.relativeYaw = 0
self.relativePitch = 0
self.rockPos = vec3()
self.pitchAvg = 0
local dxSmoother = newTemporalSmoothing(3,1)
local dySmoother = newTemporalSmoothing(3,1)
local dzSmoother = newTemporalSmoothing(3,1)
local currentCarPos, prevCarPos = vec3(), vec3()
local rot = vec3()
local left, ref, back = vec3(), vec3(), vec3()
local carLeft, carFwd, carUp, carRot, carRotInverse = vec3(), vec3(), vec3(), quat(), quat()
local nodePos = vec3()
local camUp, camRot = vec3(), quat()
local camPosLocal, combinedPos, rotationOffset = vec3(), vec3(), vec3()
local intermediateCamPos = vec3()
local nRockPos, projectedRockPos = vec3(), vec3()
function C:update(data)
local carPos = data.pos
-- retrieve camera node (except when resetting, because data is not reliable then)
self.cameraResetted = max(self.cameraResetted - 1, 0)
if self.cameraResetted > 0 then
data.res.pos = carPos
data.res.rot:setFromDir(vecY, vecZ)
local camNodeID, rightHandDrive = core_camera.getDriverData(data.veh)
-- read seat adjustment settings
if self.seatPosition == nil then
local vehicleName = data.veh:getJBeamFilename()
local vehConfigs = settings.getValue('cameraDriverVehicleConfigs')
if type(vehConfigs) ~= "string" then vehConfigs = "{}" end
vehConfigs = vehConfigs:gsub("'",'"') -- fix INI values that passed through javascript (e.g. when opening Options menu)
vehConfigs = jsonDecode(vehConfigs) -- and then deserialize, so we can follow the user settings
local vehConfig = vehConfigs[vehicleName] or {0,0,0}
self.seatPosition = vec3(0, vehConfig[2], vehConfig[3])
self.seatRotation = vehConfig[1]
-- process mouse rotation input
self.relativeYaw = clamp(self.relativeYaw + 0.1*MoveManager.yawRelative , -1, 1)
self.relativePitch = clamp(self.relativePitch - 0.3*MoveManager.pitchRelative, -1, 1)
-- process kbd/pad rotation input
local absYaw = 0
local absPitch = 0
local filter = core_camera.getLastFilter()
if self.autocenter and data.veh then
if prevCarPos then
local newValue = (prevCarPos:distance(currentCarPos) / data.dt) > 0.3
if not self.mouseIsLocked and newValue and newValue ~= self.vehicleIsMoving then
-- send back to center
self.relativeYaw = 0
self.relativePitch = 0
self.vehicleIsMoving = newValue
if data.openxrSessionRunning and self.openXRsnapTurnDriver then
-- ensure the snapturn logic works normally regardless of vehicle speed, by disabling the stationary-car behaviour
self.vehicleIsMoving = true
if self.autocenter and not self.mouseIsLocked and self.vehicleIsMoving then
-- camera will go back to center as soon as the controller is released
absPitch = MoveManager.pitchDown - MoveManager.pitchUp
absYaw = MoveManager.yawRight - MoveManager.yawLeft
if filter == FILTER_KBD or filter == FILTER_KBD2 then
-- keyboard look-to-rear key combo (press both left+right to look back)
absYaw = 0.5*(MoveManager.yawRight - MoveManager.yawLeft)
if MoveManager.yawLeft > 0 and MoveManager.yawRight > 0 then
absYaw = absYaw + sign(self.camRot.x)
-- camera will stay where it is when the controller is released
self.relativeYaw = self.relativeYaw + (MoveManager.yawRight - MoveManager.yawLeft) * 0.01 * data.dt * 60
self.relativePitch = self.relativePitch + (MoveManager.pitchDown - MoveManager.pitchUp) * 0.04 * data.dt * 60
local sideInput = self.relativeYaw + absYaw
local vertInput = self.relativePitch + absPitch
if data.openxrSessionRunning and self.openXRsnapTurnDriver then
local amount = abs(sideInput)
sideInput = sign(sideInput) * (amount > 0.9 and 1 or (amount > 0.1 and 0.5 or 0)) -- snap head yaw to 50% and 100% degrees
-- convert input into angles
local maxAngle = 160 -- max degrees the head will be looking back
self.camRot.x = sideInput * maxAngle
if data.lookBack then self.camRot.x = rightHandDrive and -maxAngle or maxAngle end
self.camRot.y = vertInput * 20
if vertInput > 0 then self.camRot.y = self.camRot.y * 3 end
-- orientation
rot:set(math.rad(self.camRot.x), math.rad(self.camRot.y), math.rad(self.camRot.z))
-- avoid physical discomfort by removing smoothers from VR
if not data.openxrSessionRunning then
local ratiox = 1 / (data.dt * 50)
local ratioy = 1 / (data.dt * 10)
if not self.autocenter then ratioy = 1 / (data.dt * 50) end
rot.x = 1 / (ratiox + 1) * rot.x + (ratiox / (ratiox + 1)) * self.camLastRot.x
rot.y = 1 / (ratioy + 1) * rot.y + (ratioy / (ratioy + 1)) * self.camLastRot.y
if data.openxrSessionRunning then
rot.y = 0 -- remove manual head tilt
local seatRotation = self.seatRotation
if data.openxrSessionRunning then
seatRotation = 0 -- remove manual seat tilting
self.camRot:set(math.deg(rot.x), math.deg(rot.y) - seatRotation, math.deg(rot.z))
carLeft:setSub2(left, ref); carLeft:normalize()
carFwd:setSub2(back, ref); carFwd:normalize()
carUp:setCross(carLeft, carFwd); carUp:normalize()
-- Smooth velocity using rock on a string algorithm
self.rockPos:set(push3(self.rockPos) - push3(data.vel) * data.dt)
projectedRockPos:setProjectToOriginPlane(carUp, self.rockPos)
projectedRockPos:resize(min(self.rockPos:length(), self.lookAheadSmoothness))
-- When vehicle flips, left and right sides of it flip aswell. To prevent this from happening
-- We tempereraly stop projecting the rock position
if self.rockPos:distance(projectedRockPos) < 0.1 then
self.rockPos = projectedRockPos
self.rockPos:resize(min(self.rockPos:length(), self.lookAheadSmoothness))
-- Stable horizon
carRot:setFromDir(carFwd, carUp)
-- ikt: Pitch damping applied here
local recenterPitchSpeed = 2.5 -- The higher, the quicker it levels to the vehicle pitch
self.pitchAvg = lerp(self.pitchAvg, carFwd.z, recenterPitchSpeed * data.dt)
local carFwdMod = vec3(1*carFwd.x, 1*carFwd.y, self.pitchAvg)
camUp:setRotate(camRot, vecZ)
local carRoll = math.atan2(push3(camUp):dot(-push3(carLeft)), camUp:dot(carUp))
local carRollFactor = 1 - self.stableHorizonFactor * smootheststep(clamp(1.42*carUp.z, 0, 1))
local camRoll = carRoll * carRollFactor
-- Look-ahead angle
self.fwdSpeed = lerp(self.fwdSpeed, -data.vel:length() * push3(data.vel):normalized():dot(carFwd), data.dt * ( 1.5 - self.lookAheadSmoothness))
nRockPos:set(push3(carFwd) * (1 - self.rockPos:length() / self.lookAheadSmoothness) + self.rockPos)
local lookAheadAngle = data.openxrSessionRunning and 0 or self.lookAheadAngle -- disable LookAhead while in VR
local lookAheadAngleOffset = math.atan2(nRockPos.x * carFwd.y - nRockPos.y * carFwd.x, nRockPos.x * carFwd.x + nRockPos.y * carFwd.y)
self.rockPos:setScaled((1 - data.dt * 0.1) * clamp(self.fwdSpeed / 20, 0, 1))
lookAheadAngleOffset = clamp(lookAheadAngleOffset, -1.1, 1.1) * lookAheadAngle * clamp(self.fwdSpeed / 15, 0, 1)
-- Pitch smoothing
--local roll, pitch, yaw = data.veh:getRollPitchYawAngularVelocity()
local pitch = 0
camRot = rotateEuler(math.rad(self.camRot.x) + lookAheadAngleOffset, math.rad(self.camRot.y) - pitch, camRoll, camRot) -- stable hood line
local notifiedFov = self.manualzoom:update(data)
if notifiedFov then
self.saveTimeout = 1
-- physics-based position
nodePos:set(data.veh:getNodePositionXYZ(camNodeID or 0))
camPosLocal:setRotate(carRotInverse, nodePos)
-- static position
if self.camPosInitialLocal == nil then ---- FIXME this can happen at any point, e.g. when vehicle is damaged
self.camPosInitialLocal = vec3(camPosLocal)
local origSpawnAABB = data.veh:getSpawnLocalAABB()
local minExt = origSpawnAABB.minExtents
local maxExt = origSpawnAABB.maxExtents
self.marginX = (maxExt.x - minExt.x)*0.5 - abs(data.veh:getInitialNodePosition(camNodeID or 0).x-(maxExt.x + minExt.x)*0.5) -- distance to boundingbox lateral
-- physics+static position combination
combinedPos:setLerp(self.camPosInitialLocal, camPosLocal, self.physicsFactor)
-- left/right head sticking out position
local minAngle = 70 -- starting angle when driver will start looking back
local headOut = clamp(abs(self.camRot.x) - minAngle, 0, maxAngle) / (maxAngle - minAngle) -- how much the head is looking back, from 0 to 1
local lateralFactor = headOut
local forwardFactor = headOut
local verticalFactor = headOut
local lateralOffset = 0.26
local forwardOffset = -0.075
local verticalOffset = -0.02
local lookingThroughWindow = rightHandDrive == (self.camRot.x > 0)
if lookingThroughWindow then
forwardFactor = clamp(forwardFactor * 1.75, 0, 1)
verticalFactor = clamp(verticalFactor * 1.00, 0, 1)
forwardOffset = -0.3
lateralOffset = 0.5
lateralOffset = min(0.6, self.marginX)
verticalOffset = -0.1
lateralOffset * lateralFactor * sign(-self.camRot.x), -- stick head out (or towards center)
forwardOffset * forwardFactor, -- dodge the B-pillar (or bucket seat/head rest)
verticalOffset * verticalFactor -- dodge the roof
-- up/down head bobbing, to more easily discover occluded switches in the cockpit
local headWiggleZ = clamp(self.camRot.y / 20, -1, 1)
local maxWiggleZ = 0.05
local wiggleZ = headWiggleZ * maxWiggleZ
rotationOffset.z = rotationOffset.z + wiggleZ
-- left/right head bobbing, to more easily discover occluded switches in the cockpit
local headWiggleX = clamp(self.camRot.x / 40, -1, 1)
local maxWiggleX = 0.15
local wiggleX = headWiggleX * maxWiggleX
rotationOffset.x = sign(-self.camRot.x) * max(abs(rotationOffset.x), abs(wiggleX))
-- apply seat adjustment
local dr, dy, dz = 0, 0 ,0
if self.allowSeatAdjustments then
dr = dxSmoother:getCapped(MoveManager.left - MoveManager.right , data.dt)
dy = dySmoother:getCapped(MoveManager.backward - MoveManager.forward, data.dt)
dz = dzSmoother:getCapped(MoveManager.up - MoveManager.down , data.dt)
local adjustedSpeed = data.fastSpeedModifier and data.speed * 3 or data.speed
local pdr = dr * data.dt * adjustedSpeed * 2
local pdy = dy * data.dt * adjustedSpeed / 50
local pdz = dz * data.dt * adjustedSpeed / 50
local posLimit = 0.4
self.seatRotation = clamp(self.seatRotation + pdr, -30, 20)
self.seatPosition.y = clamp(self.seatPosition.y + pdy, -posLimit, posLimit)
self.seatPosition.z = clamp(self.seatPosition.z + pdz, -posLimit, posLimit)
if self.saveTimeout ~= nil then
self.saveTimeout = self.saveTimeout - data.dt
if dr ~= 0 then
ui_message({txt='', context={vehicleName = data.veh:getJBeamFilename(), angle=self.seatRotation}}, 2, 'cameramode')
self.saveTimeout = 1
if dy ~= 0 or dz ~= 0 then
ui_message({txt='', context={vehicleName = data.veh:getJBeamFilename(), y=self.seatPosition.y, z=self.seatPosition.z}}, 2, 'cameramode')
self.saveTimeout = 1
-- application
intermediateCamPos:set(push3(combinedPos) + self.seatPosition + rotationOffset)
data.res.pos:setRotate(carRot, intermediateCamPos)
-- save fov/seat settings on timeout
if self.saveTimeout and self.saveTimeout <= 0 then
local vehConfig = { self.seatRotation, self.seatPosition.y, self.seatPosition.z }
if vehConfig[1] == 0 and vehConfig[2] == 0 and vehConfig[3] == 0 then vehConfig = nil end
local vehicleName = data.veh:getJBeamFilename()
local vehConfigs = settings.getValue('cameraDriverVehicleConfigs')
if type(vehConfigs) ~= "string" then vehConfigs = "{}" end
vehConfigs = vehConfigs:gsub("'",'"') -- fix INI values that passed through javascript (e.g. when opening Options menu)
vehConfigs = jsonDecode(vehConfigs) -- and then deserialize, so we can follow the user settings
vehConfigs[vehicleName] = vehConfig
settings.setValue('cameraDriverVehicleConfigs', jsonEncode(vehConfigs))
settings.setValue('cameraDriverFov', data.res.fov)
self.saveTimeout = nil
function C:setRefNodes(centerNodeID, leftNodeID, backNodeID)
self.refNodes = self.refNodes or {}
self.refNodes.ref = centerNodeID
self.refNodes.left = leftNodeID
self.refNodes.back = backNodeID
function C:mouseLocked(locked)
self.mouseIsLocked = locked
if locked then return end
if self.autocenter and self.vehicleIsMoving then
self.relativeYaw = 0
self.relativePitch = 0
return function(...)
local o = ... or {}
setmetatable(o, C)
return o
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ikt32 commented Jul 28, 2024

Patch for 0.32:

diff --git a/driver.original.lua b/driver.patched.lua
index aea116b..540b398 100644
--- a/driver.original.lua
+++ b/driver.patched.lua
@@ -2,10 +2,23 @@
 -- If a copy of the bCDDL was not distributed with this
 -- file, You can obtain one at
+-- Modified for pitch damping by ikt
+-- File path:\lua\ge\extensions\core\cameraModes
+-- Changelog:
+-- 2023-01-31: Initial version for 0.27
+-- 2023-04-15: Updated for 0.28
+-- 2023-04-16: Fix pitch not reset on camera change
+-- 2024-07-28: Updated for 0.32
 local vecY = vec3(0,1,0)
 local vecZ = vec3(0,0,1)
 local min, max, abs = math.min, math.max, math.abs
+local function lerp(a, b, f)
+  return a + f * (b - a)
 local qtmp = quat()
 local function rotateEuler(x, y, z, q)
   q = q or quat()
@@ -36,6 +49,7 @@ function C:init()
   self.vehicleIsMoving = false
+  self.pitchAvg = 0
 function C:onVehicleCameraConfigChanged()
@@ -46,6 +60,7 @@ function C:onVehicleCameraConfigChanged()
   self.camPosInitialLocal = nil
   self.marginX = nil
   self.cameraResetted = 3
+  self.pitchAvg = 0
 function C:onSettingsChanged()
   self.physicsFactor = settings.getValue('cameraDriverPhysics') / 100 -- 0..1 multiplier
@@ -63,6 +78,7 @@ function C:resetSeat()
   self.seatPosition = vec3()
   self.seatRotation = 0
   self.saveTimeout = 0 -- trigger save instantaneously
+  self.pitchAvg = 0
 function C:resetSeatAll()
@@ -71,12 +87,14 @@ function C:resetSeatAll()
   self.seatRotation = 0
   self.saveTimeout = nil -- disable any ongoing auto-save
   settings.setValue('cameraDriverVehicleConfigs', "{}")
+  self.pitchAvg = 0
 function C:reset()
   self.relativeYaw = 0
   self.relativePitch = 0
   self.rockPos = vec3()
+  self.pitchAvg = 0
 local dxSmoother = newTemporalSmoothing(3,1)
@@ -215,7 +233,13 @@ function C:update(data)
   -- Stable horizon
   carRot:setFromDir(carFwd, carUp)
-  camRot:setFromDir(-push3(carFwd))
+  -- ikt: Pitch damping applied here
+  local recenterPitchSpeed = 2.5 -- The higher, the quicker it levels to the vehicle pitch
+  self.pitchAvg = lerp(self.pitchAvg, carFwd.z, recenterPitchSpeed * data.dt)
+  local carFwdMod = vec3(1*carFwd.x, 1*carFwd.y, self.pitchAvg)
+  camRot:setFromDir(-push3(carFwdMod))
   camUp:setRotate(camRot, vecZ)
   local carRoll = math.atan2(push3(camUp):dot(-push3(carLeft)), camUp:dot(carUp))
   local carRollFactor = 1 - self.stableHorizonFactor * smootheststep(clamp(1.42*carUp.z, 0, 1))

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