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Last active September 15, 2024 17:56
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Powershell Workflow Example - Malware Process Detection - Check for Unsigned Process
workflow Detect-UnsignedProcesses {
param (
if (-not $ComputerName) {
$ComputerName = @("localhost")
foreach -parallel ($computer in $ComputerName) {
$unsignedProcesses = InlineScript {
$localUnsignedProcesses = @()
Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -ComputerName $using:computer | ForEach-Object {
$path = $_.ExecutablePath
if ($path) {
$signature = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $path
if ($signature.Status -ne 'Valid') {
$localUnsignedProcesses += $_
return $localUnsignedProcesses
InlineScript {
if ($using:unsignedProcesses.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Output ("Unsigned processes found on {0}:" -f $using:computer)
$using:unsignedProcesses | ForEach-Object {
Write-Output "$($_.Name) - $($_.ExecutablePath)"
} else {
Write-Output ("No unsigned processes found on {0}:" -f $using:computer)
# Now run it using correct computer names
Detect-UnsignedProcesses -ComputerName @{"win1", "win2"}
# Another example, this dumps windows processes and grabbed from MSFT documentation
# Step 1: Create the workflow
workflow Test-Workflow {Get-Process}
# Step 2: find the workflows in modules installed on your computer
Get-Command -CommandType Workflow
# Step 3: Start powershell
Start-Process PowerShell -Verb RunAs
# Step 4: Enable PS Remoting
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
# Step 5: Create workflow session on local computer
$ws = New-PSWorkflowSession
# Step 6: Run workflow in the workflow session
Invoke-Command -Session $ws {Test-Workflow}
# if you get an error where the cmdlet is not recognized, you can run it in the script block you're passing like this:
$ws = New-PSWorkflowSession
Invoke-Command -Session $ws {
workflow Test-Workflow {
# or if you need to reuse this workflow in multiple commands, you can define it once in the workflow session
$ws = New-PSWorkflowSession
Invoke-Command -Session $ws {
workflow Test-Workflow {
# Now you can run the workflow in the same session without redefining it:
Invoke-Command -Session $ws { Test-Workflow }
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