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Created September 15, 2024 17:48
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Powershell Workflow Example - Malware Process Detection - DeepBlueCLI Threat Hunting in Windows Event Logs
# Step 1: Download and extract DeepBlueCLI on each target computer
# Step 2: Get the path for Deepblue.ps1 and change it in the ```DeepBluePath``` below
workflow Analyze-EventLogsDeepBlue {
param (
[string]$LogName = 'Security',
[string]$DeepBluePath = "C:\Path\To\DeepBlue.ps1"
foreach -parallel ($computer in $ComputerName) {
InlineScript {
# Ensure the script is run as an Administrator
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $using:DeepBluePath)) {
throw "DeepBlue.ps1 not found at $using:DeepBluePath. Please check the path and try again."
# Execute the script directly on the remote machine using Invoke-Command
$result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $using:computer -ScriptBlock {
param ($logName, $deepBluePath)
# Set Execution Policy to allow running scripts
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force
# Execute the DeepBlue script with parameters
powershell.exe -File $deepBluePath -log $logName
} -ArgumentList $using:LogName, $using:DeepBluePath
# Output the result in the current session
Write-Output ("DeepBlueCLI analysis for {0} on {1}:" -f $using:LogName, $using:computer)
Write-Output $result
# Run it on target computers, adapting correct computername
Analyze-EventLogsDeepBlue -ComputerName @('win1') -LogName 'Security'
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