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Illarion ikhlestov

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HTTP is a protocol which allows the fetching of resources, such as HTML documents. A complete document is reconstructed from the different sub-documents fetched, for instance text, layout description, images, videos, scripts, and more.



  • caching (the cache can be public or private, like the browser cache)
  • filtering (like an antivirus scan, parental controls, …)
  • load balancing (to allow multiple servers to serve the different requests)
  • authentication (to control access to different resources)
rodricels / .tmux.conf
Last active April 21, 2024 12:22
tmux configuration, mouse copy & paste added
# My tmux configuration, partly based on
# Scroll History
set -g history-limit 50000
# show messages for 4 seconds instead
set -g display-time 4000
# set first window to index 1 (not 0) to map more to the keyboard layout
set-option -g renumber-windows on
iamatypeofwalrus /
Last active January 22, 2024 11:18
Create an iPython HTML Notebook on Amazon's AWS Free Tier from scratch.


Roll your own iPython Notebook server with Amazon Web Services (EC2) using their Free Tier.

What are we using? What do you need?

  • An active AWS account. First time sign-ups are eligible for the free tier for a year
  • One Micro Tier EC2 Instance
  • With AWS we will use the stock Ubuntu Server AMI and customize it.
  • Anaconda for Python.
  • Coffee/Beer/Time
MohamedAlaa / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active September 22, 2024 08:03
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname