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Created March 22, 2016 22:40
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OAuthSimple by jr conlin
Refactor to PHP by
class OAuthSimple
private $_secrets=[];
private $_default_signature_method= "HMAC-SHA1";
private $_action = "GET";
private $_nonce_chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
function __construct($consumer_key, $shared_secret){
if (!empty($consumer_key)) {
$this->_secrets['consumer_key'] = $consumer_key;
if (!empty($shared_secret)) {
$this->_secrets['shared_secret'] = $shared_secret;
function reset(){
return $this;
/** set the parameters either from a hash or a string
* @param {string,object} List of parameters for the call, this can either be a URI string (e.g. "foo=bar&gorp=banana" or an object/hash)
function setParameters($parameters) {
if (empty($parameters)) {
$parameters = [];
/*if (typeof(parameters) == 'string') {
$this->_parameters = $parameters;
if (empty($this->_parameters['oauth_nonce'])) {
if (empty($this->_parameters['oauth_timestamp'])) {
if (empty($this->_parameters['oauth_method'])) {
if (empty($this->_parameters['oauth_consumer_key'])) {
if(empty($this->_parameters['oauth_token'])) {
if(empty($this->_parameters['oauth_version'])) {
return $this;
/** convienence method for setParameters
* @param parameters {string,object} See .setParameters
function setQueryString($parameters) {
return $this->setParameters($parameters);
/** Set the target URL (does not include the parameters)
* @param path {string} the fully qualified URI (excluding query arguments) (e.g "")
function setURL($path) {
if ($path == '') {
throw new Exception ('No path specified for OAuthSimple.setURL');
$this->_path = $path;
return $this;
/** convienence method for setURL
* @param path {string} see .setURL
function setPath($path){
return $this->setURL($path);
/** set the "action" for the url, (e.g. GET,POST, DELETE, etc.)
* @param action {string} HTTP Action word.
function setAction($action="") {
if (empty($action)) {
$action = strtoupper($action);
if (preg_match('[^A-Z]', $action)) {
throw new Exception ('Invalid action specified for OAuthSimple.setAction');
$this->_action = $action;
return $this;
/** set the signatures (as well as validate the ones you have)
* @param signatures {object} object/hash of the token/signature pairs {api_key:, shared_secret:, oauth_token: oauth_secret:}
function setTokensAndSecrets($signatures) {
if ($signatures)
foreach($signatures as $signature) {
$this->_secrets[i] = $signature;
// Aliases
if (!empty($this->_secrets['api_key'])) {
$this->_secrets['consumer_key'] = $this->_secrets['api_key'];
if (!empty($this->_secrets['access_token'])) {
$this->_secrets['oauth_token'] = $this->_secrets['access_token'];
if (!empty($this->_secrets['access_secret'])) {
$this->_secrets['oauth_secret'] = $this->_secrets['access_secret'];
if (!empty($this->_secrets['oauth_token_secret'])) {
$this->_secrets['oauth_secret'] = $this->_secrets['oauth_token_secret'];
// Gauntlet
if (empty($this->_secrets['consumer_key'])) {
throw new Exception('Missing required consumer_key in OAuthSimple.setTokensAndSecrets');
if (empty($this->_secrets['shared_secret'])) {
throw new Exception('Missing required shared_secret in OAuthSimple.setTokensAndSecrets');
if (!empty($this->_secrets['oauth_token']) && empty($this->_secrets['oauth_secret'])) {
throw new Exception('Missing oauth_secret for supplied oauth_token in OAuthSimple.setTokensAndSecrets');
return $this;
/** set the signature method (currently only Plaintext or SHA-MAC1)
* @param method {string} Method of signing the transaction (only PLAINTEXT and SHA-MAC1 allowed for now)
function setSignatureMethod($method="") {
if (empty($method)) {
$method = $this->_default_signature_method;
//TODO: accept things other than PlainText or SHA-MAC1
$method = strtoupper( $method );
if (!($method == "PLAINTEXT" || $method == "HMAC-SHA1")) {
throw new Exception ('Unknown signing method specified for OAuthSimple.setSignatureMethod');
$this->_parameters['oauth_signature_method']= $method;
return $this;
/** sign the request
* note: all arguments are optional, provided you've set them using the
* other helper functions.
* @param args {object} hash of arguments for the call
* {action:, path:, parameters:, method:, signatures:}
* all arguments are optional.
function sign($args=array()) {
// Set any given parameters
if(!empty($args['action'])) {
if (!empty($args['path'])) {
if (!empty($args['method'])) {
if (!empty($args['parameters'])){
// check the parameters
$normParams = $this->_normalizedParameters();
return array(
"signature"=> $this->_oauthEscape($this->_parameters['oauth_signature']),
"signed_url"=> $this->_path . '?' . $this->_normalizedParameters(),
"header"=> $this->getHeaderString()
/** Return a formatted "header" string
* NOTE: This doesn't set the "Authorization: " prefix, which is required.
* I don't set it because various set header functions prefer different
* ways to do that.
* @param args {object} see .sign
function getHeaderString($args="") {
if (empty($this->_parameters['oauth_signature'])) {
$j = $pName = $pLength = $result = 'OAuth ';
foreach($this->_parameters as $pName => $parameter)
if (strstr($pName,"oauth")) {
if ( is_array($this->_parameters[$pName]) )
$pLength = count($this->_parameters[$pName]);
for ($j=0;$j<$pLength;$j++)
$result .= $pName .'="'.$this->_oauthEscape($this->_parameters[$pName][$j]).'" ';
$result .= $pName . '="'.$this->_oauthEscape($this->_parameters[$pName]).'" ';
return $result;
// Start Private Methods.
/** convert the parameter string into a hash of objects.
function _parseParameterString($paramString) {
$elements = preg_split("/&/",$paramString);
foreach($elements as $element)
if ($keyToken[1]) {
$value=urldecode ($keyToken[1]);
if (!is_array($result[$keyToken[0]]))
$result[$keyToken[0]] = array( $result[$keyToken[0]], $value);
array_push( $result[$keyToken[0]], $value);
$result[$keyToken[0]]= $value;
return $result;
function _oauthEscape($string="") {
if (empty($string)) {
return "";
if (is_array($string))
throw new Exception('Array passed to _oauthEscape');
$patrones = array("/\!/","/\*/","/'/","/\(/","/\)/");
$sustituciones = array("%21","%2A","%27","%28","%29");
$string = preg_replace($patrones, $sustituciones, $string);
return urlencode($string);
function _getNonce($length=5) {
$result = "";
$cLength = strlen($this->_nonce_chars);
for ($i=0;$i<$length;$i++) {
$rnum = rand(1, $cLength);
$result .= substr($this->_nonce_chars, $rnum, 1);
return $this->_parameters['oauth_nonce']=$result;
function _getApiKey() {
if (empty($this->_secrets['consumer_key'])) {
throw new Exception('No consumer_key set for OAuthSimple.');
return $this->_parameters['oauth_consumer_key']=$this->_secrets['consumer_key'];
function _getAccessToken() {
if (empty($this->_secrets['oauth_secret'])) {
return '';
if (empty($this->_secrets['oauth_token'])) {
throw new Exception('No oauth_token (access_token) set for OAuthSimple.');
return $this->_parameters['oauth_token'] = $this->_secrets['oauth_token'];
function _getTimestamp(){
return $this->_parameters['oauth_timestamp'] = time();
function _normalizedParameters() {
$elements = array();
$paramNames = [];
$ra = 0;
foreach($this->_parameters as $paramName=>$parameter)
//for (var paramName in $this->_parameters)
if ($ra++ > 1000) {
throw new Exception('runaway 1');
array_unshift( $paramNames, $paramName);
sort( $paramNames );
$pLen = count( $paramNames);
for ($i=0;$i<$pLen; $i++)
//skip secrets.
if (strstr($paramName, "_secret")) {
if (is_array($this->_parameters[$paramName]))
$sorted = $this->_parameters[$paramName];
sort( $sorted );
$spLen = count( $sorted );
for ($j=0;$j<$spLen;$j++){
if ($ra++ > 1000) {
throw new Exception('runaway 1');
array_push( $elements, $this->_oauthEscape($paramName) . '=' . $this->_oauthEscape($sorted[$j]) );
array_push( $elements, $this->_oauthEscape($paramName) . '=' . $this->_oauthEscape($this->_parameters[$paramName]) );
return join("&", $elements);
function _generateSignature() {
$secretKey = $this->_oauthEscape($this->_secrets['shared_secret']).'&'.$this->_oauthEscape(!empty($this->_secrets['oauth_secret'])?$this->_secrets['oauth_secret']:"");
if ($this->_parameters['oauth_signature_method'] == 'PLAINTEXT')
return $secretKey;
if ($this->_parameters['oauth_signature_method'] == 'HMAC-SHA1')
$sigString = $this->_oauthEscape($this->_action).'&'.$this->_oauthEscape($this->_path).'&'.$this->_oauthEscape($this->_normalizedParameters());
return $this->b64_hmac_sha1("sha1",$sigString, $secretKey );
return null;
function b64_hmac_sha1($function, $data, $key){
case 'sha1':
$pack = 'H40';
$this->OutputDebug($function.' is not a supported an HMAC hash type');
if(strlen($key) > 64)
$key = pack($pack, $function($key));
if(strlen($key) < 64)
$key = str_pad($key, 64, "\0");
return base64_encode(pack($pack, $function((str_repeat("\x5c", 64) ^ $key).pack($pack, $function((str_repeat("\x36", 64) ^ $key).$data)))));
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