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Last active June 30, 2024 14:33
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Usual Win apps quick install (PowerShell)
## Administrator powershell console needed
## Install choco:
## Packages:
## List all installed: choco list --local-only
## Upgrade all installed: choco upgrade all
## Usage instructions:
## cd $HOME
## Allow script execurion: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
## Check policies: Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
## Get this file: wget -OutFile choco_install.ps1
## Run script: .\choco_install.ps1
## Remove file: Remove-Item choco_install.ps1
## Check outdated packages: choco outdated
## Coding
choco install vim --yes --force
choco install git --yes --force
choco install bulk-crap-uninstaller --yes
#choco install nodejs-lts --version=14.19.0
#choco install nodejs-lts --version=16.18.1
#choco pin add -n=nodejs-lts --version=16.18.1
choco install nodejs-lts --version=18.20.3
choco pin add -n=nodejs-lts --version=18.20.3
## BUILD FIX (powershell): $env:NODE_OPTIONS = "--openssl-legacy-provider"
## Utils
choco install 7zip --yes --force
choco install vlc --yes --force
choco install foobar2000 --yes --force
choco install Far --yes --force
choco install telnet --yes --force
choco install sumatrapdf --yes --force
choco install qbittorrent --yes --force
## Once install only
choco install skype --yes --force
choco uninstall skype -n --skipautouninstaller
choco install vscode --yes --force
choco uninstall vscode -n --skipautouninstaller --yes
choco install --yes --force
choco uninstall -n --skipautouninstaller --yes
## ConEmu Special version (before screen + mc bug)
choco install conemu --version= --allow-downgrade --yes
choco pin add -n=conemu --version=
## windows terminal
choco install microsoft-windows-terminal
## VitualBox + Vagrant special (working) versions
## Remove pin (for upgrade): choco pin remove --name="package-name"
choco install virtualbox --version=6.1.22 --allow-downgrade --yes
choco pin add -n=virtualbox --version=6.1.22
choco install vagrant --version= --allow-downgrade --yes
choco pin add -n=vagrant --version=
## Win 10, PowerShell, check if local port is not busy (available for mapping etc.)
## Usage instructions:
## cd $HOME
## Allow script execurion: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
## Check policies: Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
## Get this file: wget -OutFile port_check.ps1
## Run script:
## Check one single port: .\port_check.ps1 12345
## Check ports range: .\port_check.ps1 12345 12350
## Check ports range + show each port status: .\port_check.ps1 12345 12350 -ShowAll
## Remove file: Remove-Item port_check.ps1
param (
[ValidateRange(1, 65535)]
$portNumber = 0,
[ValidateRange(1, 65535)]
$portNumberScanTo = 0,
function checkPort($portNumber) {
$processId = (Get-NetTCPConnection | where Localport -eq $portNumber | Select -First 1 -expand OwningProcess)
if ($processId) {
$processName = (Get-Process -Id $processId | Select -expand ProcessName)
echo "Port [$portNumber] is BUSY with process id [$processId] named [$processName]"
} else {
if ($ShowAll) {
echo "Port [$portNumber] is NOT busy and ready to use"
if ($portNumberScanTo -and $portNumber -lt $portNumberScanTo) {
for ($i = $portNumber; $i -le $portNumberScanTo; $i++) {
} else {
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