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Last active May 30, 2024 16:12
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Flutter 3.19.x installation script for ubuntu/trusty64 & ubuntu server 22.04 LTS
# Update the package list
sudo apt update
# Install necessary packages
sudo apt install -y git wget unzip curl xz-utils
# Download Flutter
# Extract Flutter
# Move Flutter to /opt directory
sudo mv flutter /opt/flutter
# Clean up the downloaded archive
# access as admin
sudo -s
# Add Flutter and Dart to the PATH env
echo -e "\n# Flutter & Flutter bin Path\nexport PATH=\"\$PATH:/opt/flutter/bin\"\n\n# Set Flutter and Dart Home\nexport FLUTTER_HOME=/opt/flutter\nexport DART_HOME=\$FLUTTER_HOME/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
# Apply the changes
source ~/.bashrc
# Verify the installation
/opt/flutter/bin/flutter doctor
#flutter --version
#dart --version
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