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Created June 17, 2020 10:42
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i3 themes inspired by some colorschemes
set $bg #2c2c2e
set $fg #9f9f9f
set $hi #efef8f
set $ac #a0afa0
set $tx #040404
set $ia #8f8f8f
set $be #8faf9f
set $yw #ccdc90
set $gn #88b090
set $rd #e89393
#set window color border background text
client.focused #a0afa0 #a0afa0 #040404
client.unfocused #2c2c2e #2c2c2e #8f8f8f
client.focused_inactive #2c2c2e #2c2c2e #a0afa0
client.urgent #e89393 #e89393 #040404
bar {
colors {
background #2c2c2e
statusline #9f9f9f
separator #efef8f
# <colorclass> <border> <background> <text>
focused_workspace #88b090 #2c2c2e #a0afa0
active_workspace #88b090 #a0afa0 #040404
inactive_workspace #2c2c2e #2c2c2e #8f8f8f
urgent_workspace #ccdc90 #2c2c2e #a0afa0
client.focused #81a2be #81a2be #1d1f21 #282a2e
client.unfocused #282a2e #282a2e #969896 #282a2e
client.focused_inactive #373b41 #373b41 #969896 #282a2e
client.urgent #373b41 #cc6666 #ffffff #cc6666
bar {
colors {
background #1d1f21
statusline #c5c8c6
separator #969896
focused_workspace #81a2be #81a2be #1d1f21 #1b2b34
active_workspace #373b41 #373b41 #ffffff #1b2b34
inactive_workspace #282a2e #282a2e #969896 #d8dee9
urgent_workspace #cc6666 #cc6666 #ffffff #1b2b34
client.focused #0088CC #0088CC #ffffff #dddddd
client.unfocused #333333 #333333 #888888 #292d2e
client.focused_inactive #333333 #333333 #888888 #292d2e
client.urgent #2f343a #900000 #ffffff #900000
bar {
colors {
background #222222
statusline #dddddd
separator #666666
focused_workspace #0088CC #0088CC #ffffff #222222
active_workspace #333333 #333333 #ffffff #bbbbbb
inactive_workspace #333333 #333333 #888888 #bbbbbb
urgent_workspace #2f343a #900000 #ffffff #ffffff
client.focused #6699cc #6699cc #1b2b34 #6699cc
client.unfocused #343d46 #343d46 #d8dee9 #343d46
client.focused_inactive #5fb3b3 #5fb3b3 #d8dee9 #a7adba
client.urgent #ec5f67 #ec5f67 #1b2b34 #ec5f67
bar {
colors {
background #1b2b34
statusline #d8dee9
separator #65737e
focused_workspace #6699cc #6699cc #1b2b34 #1b2b34
active_workspace #5fb3b3 #5fb3b3 #1b2b34 #1b2b34
inactive_workspace #343d46 #343d46 #d8dee9 #d8dee9
urgent_workspace #ec5f67 #ec5f67 #1b2b34 #1b2b34
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