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An Applicative that records the instructions of underlying computations.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.Map (Map, (!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (groupBy, intercalate, nub)
import Data.Function (on)
newtype Payload = Payload String deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
payload :: Payload -> String
payload (Payload s) = s
newtype Response = Response String deriving (Eq, Show)
response :: Response -> String
response (Response s) = s
payloadA = Payload "A"
payloadB1 = Payload "B.1"
payloadB2 = Payload "B.2"
-- The typeclass based on which we write our domain-specific "scripts".
-- It produces a Tree because we'd like to have a result that mirrors
-- the structure of the Haskell code that describes the computation.
class DSL m where
upload :: Payload -> m (Tree String)
finish :: Payload -> m (Tree String)
data Tree a
= Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
| Leaf
showStringTree :: Tree String -> String
showStringTree tree = loop tree 0
indent level =
"\n" ++ (concat . take (level * 2) . repeat $ " ")
loop (Leaf) _ = ""
loop (Node a Leaf Leaf) level =
concat [indent level, " - ", a]
loop (Node a l r) level =
concat [
indent level, " - ", a,
loop l (level + 1),
loop r (level + 1)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Sample "scripts" using the DSL.
-- The Applicative constraint allows us to traverse the whole "script" AST,
-- without actually executing it. Monad would be too much of a constraint.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
computationA :: (Applicative m, DSL m) => m (Tree String)
computationA =
markCompleted "A" <$> upload payloadA <*> finish payloadA
computationB :: (Applicative m, DSL m) => m (Tree String)
computationB =
markCompleted "B"
<$> (markCompleted "B.1" <$> upload payloadB1 <*> finish payloadB1)
<*> (markCompleted "B.2" <$> upload payloadB2 <*> finish payloadB2)
computationC :: (Applicative m, DSL m) => m (Tree String)
computationC =
markCompleted "C"
<$> (markCompleted "C.1" <$> computationA <*> computationB)
<*> (markCompleted "C.2" <$> computationA <*> computationB)
markCompleted :: String -> Tree String -> Tree String -> Tree String
markCompleted name =
Node ("computing " ++ name ++ " from: ")
optimizeInstructions :: [Instr] -> [Instr]
optimizeInstructions = nub . filter isUploadInstr
executeInstructions :: [Instr] -> IO (Map Instr Response)
executeInstructions instrs =
response instr = Response ("response of: " ++ payload (instrPayload instr))
respondTo instr =
-- This `return` is supposed to mimic the network access.
return (instr, response instr)
fmap Map.fromList (mapM respondTo instrs)
-- We can now use the "scripts" in a recording manner — we first traverse
-- them and log/record all emitted instructions, we obtain that list of
-- instructions from a Writer (which acts as the log implementation), but
-- we also obtain a distributing Reader. This reader expects a result based
-- on the instructions emitted by the writer, which will be available once
-- we optimize and actually execute all logged instructions.
main =
-- Define a composed applicative computation.
composed = markCompleted "ALL" <$> computationA <*> computationC
-- Time to traverse the applicative computation tree, recording the
-- instructions present in it and building a big reader that will accept
-- the result of executing the optimized query, which optimized query
-- will result from processing the logged instructions.
-- The final reader is called `distribute` because it distributes results
-- back to the original computations.
recorded = runRecorder (composed :: Recorder (Tree String))
(distribute, instructions) = runIdentity . runWriterT $ recorded
optimized = optimizeInstructions instructions
in do
printInstrs "COLLECTED INSTRUCTIONS:" instructions
printInstrs "OPTIMIZED INSTRUCTIONS:" optimized
executed <- executeInstructions optimized
printGlobalResult executed
let finalResult = runReader distribute (GlobalResult executed)
putStrLn $ showStringTree finalResult
printInstrs header instrs = do
putStrLn header
printList instrs
printGlobalResult executed = do
putStrLn ""
printList (Map.toList executed)
printList list = do
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ intercalate "\n" (map ((" - " ++) . show) list)
putStrLn ""
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The Instruction-Recording Interpreter
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- First, we need an ADT representing the operations of the DSL.
data Instr
= Upload Payload
| Finish Payload
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
instrPayload (Upload a) = a
instrPayload (Finish a) = a
isUploadInstr (Upload _) = True
isUploadInstr (Finish _) = False
-- This is the result of the global computation, i.e., the computation of
-- all the script instructions, merged together and, probably, optimized in
-- some way. It's "global" to denote the global optimizations that we can
-- perform on the DSL "scripts" seen as a whole.
newtype GlobalResult = GlobalResult { result :: Map Instr Response }
-- The datatype backing our smart Applicative and DSL instances.
newtype Recorder a =
Recorder { runRecorder :: Writer [Instr] (Reader GlobalResult a) }
deriving Functor
-- This is the tricky part. Our Recorder is a Writer which accumulates
-- instructions and *computes a Reader*, which Reader takes a result and
-- gives it back to the original recorded computation, finally producing
-- the result of the computation.
instance Applicative Recorder where
-- A pure value is one that doesn't use the global result, nor logs anything.
pure a = Recorder (writer (reader (\_ -> a), []))
-- Applying a recorded computation to another recorded computation means
-- obtaining the final reader of the first computation and applying it to
-- the final reader of the second computation. The writers are sequenced
-- using monadic bind.
(Recorder recordedF) <*> (Recorder recordedA) =
Recorder (recordedF >>= (\f -> fmap (\a -> f <*> a) recordedA))
instance DSL Recorder where
-- This is a pretty basic implementation which just logs the instruction
-- associtated with a DSL operation AND forwards the global result back to
-- the underlying computations. In a real-world scenario, you'll probably
-- want to send down just parts of the global result, based on arguments of
-- the `upload` or `finish` methods, which will be closed over.
-- For exampe, if `upload` takes a `host` parameter, you'd lookup a value
-- associated with that host in the global result.
upload payload =
Recorder (writer (reader extractResponse, [instr]))
instr = Upload payload
extractResponse r = Node ("upload " ++ (response ((result r) ! instr))) Leaf Leaf
finish payload =
Recorder (writer (reader extractResponse, [Finish payload]))
extractResponse r =
Node ("finish " ++ (response ((result r) ! (Upload payload)))) Leaf Leaf
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igstan commented Oct 3, 2019

Execution output:


 - Upload (Payload "A")
 - Finish (Payload "A")
 - Upload (Payload "A")
 - Finish (Payload "A")
 - Upload (Payload "B.1")
 - Finish (Payload "B.1")
 - Upload (Payload "B.2")
 - Finish (Payload "B.2")
 - Upload (Payload "A")
 - Finish (Payload "A")
 - Upload (Payload "B.1")
 - Finish (Payload "B.1")
 - Upload (Payload "B.2")
 - Finish (Payload "B.2")


 - Upload (Payload "A")
 - Upload (Payload "B.1")
 - Upload (Payload "B.2")



 - (Upload (Payload "A"),Response "response of: A")
 - (Upload (Payload "B.1"),Response "response of: B.1")
 - (Upload (Payload "B.2"),Response "response of: B.2")



 - computing ALL from: 
   - computing A from: 
     - upload response of: A
     - finish response of: A
   - computing C from: 
     - computing C.1 from: 
       - computing A from: 
         - upload response of: A
         - finish response of: A
       - computing B from: 
         - computing B.1 from: 
           - upload response of: B.1
           - finish response of: B.1
         - computing B.2 from: 
           - upload response of: B.2
           - finish response of: B.2
     - computing C.2 from: 
       - computing A from: 
         - upload response of: A
         - finish response of: A
       - computing B from: 
         - computing B.1 from: 
           - upload response of: B.1
           - finish response of: B.1
         - computing B.2 from: 
           - upload response of: B.2
           - finish response of: B.2

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