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Created December 21, 2015 14:38
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FaceToCam unity3d
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Windows.Kinect;
public class BodySourceManager : MonoBehaviour
private KinectSensor _Sensor;
private BodyFrameReader _Reader;
private Body[] _Data = null;
public Body[] GetData()
return _Data;
void Start ()
_Sensor = KinectSensor.GetDefault();
if (_Sensor != null)
_Reader = _Sensor.BodyFrameSource.OpenReader();
if (!_Sensor.IsOpen)
void Update ()
if (_Reader != null)
var frame = _Reader.AcquireLatestFrame();
if (frame != null)
if (_Data == null)
_Data = new Body[_Sensor.BodyFrameSource.BodyCount];
frame = null;
void OnApplicationQuit()
if (_Reader != null)
_Reader = null;
if (_Sensor != null)
if (_Sensor.IsOpen)
_Sensor = null;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Windows.Kinect;
using Microsoft.Kinect.Face;
using System.IO;
public class FaceToCam : MonoBehaviour
private KinectSensor kinectSensor;
private int bodyCount;
private Body[] bodies;
private FaceFrameSource[] faceFrameSources;
private FaceFrameReader[] faceFrameReaders;
public GameObject bodyManager;
//this is our game camera
public GameObject face;
StreamWriter sx;
StreamWriter sy;
StreamWriter kx;
//my value 0.005
public float qq;
//my value 0.01
public float rr;
//my value 0.0001
public float init_state;
//bigger values faster rotations and more noise. my value 10
public float headSmooth;
private float last_x = 0;
private float[] last;
private float last_x3 = 0;
private float last_y = 0;
private float last_mod = 0;
private int updateFrame;
KalmanFilterSimple1D kalman_X;
KalmanFilterSimple1D kalman_Y;
KalmanFilterSimple1D kalman_mod;
void Start()
updateFrame = 0;
kalman_X = new KalmanFilterSimple1D(f: 1, h: 1, q: qq, r: rr);
kalman_Y = new KalmanFilterSimple1D(f: 1, h: 1, q: qq, r: rr);
kalman_mod = new KalmanFilterSimple1D(f: 1, h: 1, q: qq, r: rr);
sx = new StreamWriter("coords_X.txt");
kx = new StreamWriter("coords_KX.txt");
// one sensor is currently supported
kinectSensor = KinectSensor.GetDefault();
// set the maximum number of bodies that would be tracked by Kinect
bodyCount = kinectSensor.BodyFrameSource.BodyCount;
// allocate storage to store body objects
bodies = new Body[bodyCount];
// specify the required face frame results
FaceFrameFeatures faceFrameFeatures =
| FaceFrameFeatures.PointsInColorSpace
| FaceFrameFeatures.BoundingBoxInInfraredSpace
| FaceFrameFeatures.PointsInInfraredSpace
| FaceFrameFeatures.RotationOrientation
| FaceFrameFeatures.FaceEngagement
| FaceFrameFeatures.Glasses
| FaceFrameFeatures.Happy
| FaceFrameFeatures.LeftEyeClosed
| FaceFrameFeatures.RightEyeClosed
| FaceFrameFeatures.LookingAway
| FaceFrameFeatures.MouthMoved
| FaceFrameFeatures.MouthOpen;
// create a face frame source + reader to track each face in the FOV
faceFrameSources = new FaceFrameSource[bodyCount];
faceFrameReaders = new FaceFrameReader[bodyCount];
for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++)
// create the face frame source with the required face frame features and an initial tracking Id of 0
faceFrameSources[i] = FaceFrameSource.Create(kinectSensor, 0, faceFrameFeatures);
// open the corresponding reader
faceFrameReaders[i] = faceFrameSources[i].OpenReader();
void LateUpdate()
if(updateFrame < 1)
updateFrame = 0;
// get bodies either from BodySourceManager object get them from a BodyReader
var bodySourceManager = bodyManager.GetComponent<BodySourceManager>();
bodies = bodySourceManager.GetData();
if (bodies == null)
// iterate through each body and update face source
for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++)
// check if a valid face is tracked in this face source
if (faceFrameSources[i].IsTrackingIdValid)
using (FaceFrame frame = faceFrameReaders[i].AcquireLatestFrame())
if (frame != null)
if (frame.TrackingId == 0)
// do something with result
var result = frame.FaceFrameResult.FaceRotationQuaternion;
if(last_x == 0)
last_x = face.transform.rotation.x;
if (last_y == 0)
last_y = face.transform.rotation.y;
sx.WriteLine((-result.X).ToString("0.000000"), true);
kalman_Y.SetState(last_y, init_state);
kalman_X.SetState(last_x, init_state);
float mod_x = last_x % -result.X;
kalman_mod.SetState(last_mod, init_state);
//small shakes
if(mod_x > 0.01f && mod_x < 0.08f)
mod_x = mod_x / 2;
face.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(face.transform.localRotation, new Quaternion((float)kalman_X.State, (float)kalman_Y.State, face.transform.localRotation.z, face.transform.localRotation.w), Time.deltaTime * headSmooth * mod_x + 0.3f);
kx.WriteLine(kalman_X.State.ToString("0.000000"), true);
last_y = (float)kalman_Y.State;
last_x = (float)kalman_X.State;
last_mod = (float)kalman_mod.State;
//updateFrame = !updateFrame;
// check if the corresponding body is tracked
if (bodies[i].IsTracked)
// update the face frame source to track this body
faceFrameSources[i].TrackingId = bodies[i].TrackingId;
class KalmanFilterSimple1D
public double X0 { get; private set; } // predicted state
public double P0 { get; private set; } // predicted covariance
public double F { get; private set; } // factor of real value to previous real value
public double Q { get; private set; } // measurement noise
public double H { get; private set; } // factor of measured value to real value
public double R { get; private set; } // environment noise
public double State { get; private set; }
public double Covariance { get; private set; }
public KalmanFilterSimple1D(double q, double r, double f = 1, double h = 1)
Q = q;
R = r;
F = f;
H = h;
public void SetState(double state, double covariance)
State = state;
Covariance = covariance;
public void Correct(double data)
//time update - prediction
X0 = F * State;
P0 = F * Covariance * F + Q;
//measurement update - correction
var K = H * P0 / (H * P0 * H + R);
State = X0 + K * (data - H * X0);
Covariance = (1 - K * H) * P0;
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Video demonstration:

Kalman filter class got from here:

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