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Created March 17, 2009 16:52
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Code to handle centering and tiling of Emacs frames
;; Functions to work with frames
(provide 'ime-frame)
(defun screen-usable-height (&optional display)
"Return the usable height of the display.
Some window-systems have portions of the screen which Emacs
cannot address. This function should return the height of the
screen, minus anything which is not usable."
(- (display-pixel-height display)
(cond ((eq window-system 'ns) 22)
(t 0))))
(defun screen-usable-width (&optional display)
"Return the usable width of the display.
This works like `screen-usable-height', but for the width of the display."
(display-pixel-width display))
(defun frame-sort-ltr (frames)
"Sort frames by their visual order, left to right.
This method takes a list of frames, and returns that list, sorted
by the visual display order. This is determined by comparing the
left position of the frames; the leftmost frames are returned
(sort frames (lambda (framea frameb)
(< (frame-parameter framea 'left)
(frame-parameter frameb 'left)))))
(defun frame-box-get-center (w h cw ch)
"Center a box inside another box.
Returns a list of `(TOP LEFT)' representing the centered position
of the box `(w h)' inside the box `(cw ch)'."
(list (/ (- cw w) 2) (/ (- ch h) 2)))
(defun frame-get-center (frame)
"Return the center position of FRAME on it's display."
(let ((disp (frame-parameter frame 'display)))
(frame-box-get-center (frame-pixel-width frame) (frame-pixel-height frame)
(screen-usable-width disp)
(screen-usable-height disp))))
(defun frame-center (&optional frame)
"Center a frame on the screen."
(apply 'set-frame-position
(let* ((frame (or (and (boundp 'frame) frame) (selected-frame)))
(center (frame-get-center frame)))
`(,frame ,@center))))
(defun frame-tile-horizonal ()
"Tile visible frames horizontally.
This function tiles visible frames, distributing them evenly
across the display, and centering them vertically.
It doesn't know about multi-head displays, and will probably fail
dramatically if used in such an environment."
(let ((pos)
(offset 0)
(vwidth (/ (screen-usable-width) (length (visible-frame-list)))))
(dolist (frame (frame-sort-ltr (visible-frame-list)))
(setq pos (frame-box-get-center (frame-pixel-width frame)
(frame-pixel-height frame)
vwidth (screen-usable-height)))
(set-frame-position frame (+ offset (car pos)) (cadr pos))
(incf offset vwidth))))
(defun frame-tile-center-horizonal ()
"Tile visible frames horizontally, center-weighted.
Rather than tiling frames evenly across the available width of
the display, this function tiles them into the center of the
display, adding a 2% margin in between frames.
It doesn't know about multi-head displays, and will probably fail
dramatically if used in such an environment."
(let* ((framewidth (apply '+ (mapcar 'frame-pixel-width (visible-frame-list))))
(margin (/ (screen-usable-width) 50)) ;; = (/ s-u-w *.02) = 2%
(totalwidth (+ framewidth (* margin
(- (length (visible-frame-list)) 1))))
(offset (car (frame-box-get-center totalwidth 0 (screen-usable-width)
(dolist (frame (frame-sort-ltr (visible-frame-list)))
(set-frame-position frame offset (cadr (frame-get-center frame)))
(incf offset (+ margin (frame-pixel-width frame))))))
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