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Forked from Falconerd/gulpfile.js
Created October 6, 2017 19:44
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Gulp + Watchify + Babelify + BrowserSync
* This gulpfile will copy static libraries and a index.html file as well as
* merge, babelify and uglify the rest of the javascript project.
* - Separate media, libs and src with different watchers.
* - Media and libs should only be copied to dist if they are different sizes.
* The expected project is to be laid out as such:
* ├─┬ src
* │ ├─┬ libs
* │ │ ├── tween.min.js
* │ │ ├── pixi.min.js
* │ │ └── jquery.min.js
* │ ├─┬ media
* │ │ ├── audofile1.wav
* │ │ └── picture1.png
* │ ├─┬ subfolder
* │ │ └── class1.js
* │ ├── main.js
* │ └── index.html
* └── gulpfile.js
var watchify = require('watchify');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var gulp = require('gulp');
var plumber = require('gulp-plumber');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var buffer = require('vinyl-buffer');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
var babelify = require('babelify');
var assign = require('lodash.assign');
var browserSync = require('browser-sync');
var del = require('del');
var customOpts = {
entries: ['./src/main.js'],
debug: true,
transform: [['babelify', { ignore: ["./src/libs/**"] }]],
ignore: ['./src/libs/**']
var opts = assign({}, watchify.args, customOpts);
var b = watchify(browserify(opts));
b.on('log', gutil.log);
* This task removes all files inside the 'dist' directory.
gulp.task('clean', function()
* This task will copy all files from libs into 'dist/libs'.
* If you want to process them, just add your code to this task.
gulp.task('libs', ['clean'], function()
return gulp.src(['./src/libs/**'])
* This task will copy all files from media into 'dist/media'.
* If you want to process them, just add your code to this task.
gulp.task('media', ['libs'], function()
return gulp.src(['./src/media/**'])
* This task will copy index.html into 'dist'.
* If you want to process it, just add your code to this task.
gulp.task('index', ['media'], function()
return gulp.src(['./src/index.html'])
* This task will bundle all other js files and babelify them.
* If you want to add other processing to the main js files, add your code here.
gulp.task('bundle', ['index'], function()
return b.bundle()
.on('error', function(err)
browserSync.notify(err.message, 3000);
.pipe(sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }))
* This task starts watching the files inside 'src'. If a file is changed,
* removed or added then it will run refresh task which will run the bundle task
* and then refresh the page.
* For large projects, it may be beneficial to separate copying of libs and
* media from bundling the source. This is especially true if you have large
* amounts of media.
gulp.task('watch', ['bundle'], function()
var watcher ='./src/**/*', ['refresh']);
watcher.on('change', function(event)
console.log('File ' + event.path + ' was ' + event.type + ', running tasks...');
* This task starts browserSync. Allowing refreshes to be called from the gulp
* bundle task.
gulp.task('browser-sync', ['watch'], function()
return browserSync({ server: { baseDir: './dist' } });
* This is the default task which chains the rest.
gulp.task('default', ['browser-sync']);
* Using a dependency ensures that the bundle task is finished before reloading.
gulp.task('refresh', ['bundle'], browserSync.reload);
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