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Last active August 28, 2022 19:46
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The most basic class function I can imagine.
-- public domain, CC0
-- extremely basic class.
-- only supports instances and constructors (no inheritance, mixin, etc).
-- Copypaste this function to your module to avoid depending on a class library.
local function Class()
local cls = {}
cls.__index = cls
setmetatable(cls, {
__call = function(cls_, ...)
local obj = setmetatable({}, cls)
return obj
return cls
-- Example:
local function test_Class()
local MyClass = Class()
function MyClass:ctor(a)
self.a = a
function MyClass:shout()
local m = MyClass("hi")
n = MyClass("there")
m:shout() -- prints 'hi'
n:shout() -- prints 'there'
return Class
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