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Forked from efrecon/run.tpl
Last active March 22, 2024 21:50
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`docker inspect` template to regenerate the `docker run` command that created a container
docker run \
--name {{printf "%q" .Name}} \
{{- with .HostConfig}}
{{- if .Privileged}}
--privileged \
{{- end}}
{{- if .AutoRemove}}
--rm \
{{- end}}
{{- if .Runtime}}
--runtime {{printf "%q" .Runtime}} \
{{- end}}
{{- range $b := .Binds}}
--volume {{printf "%q" $b}} \
{{- end}}
{{- range $v := .VolumesFrom}}
--volumes-from {{printf "%q" $v}} \
{{- end}}
{{- range $l := .Links}}
--link {{printf "%q" $l}} \
{{- end}}
{{- if index . "Mounts"}}
{{- range $m := .Mounts}}
--mount type={{.Type}}
{{- if $s := index $m "Source"}},source={{$s}}{{- end}}
{{- if $t := index $m "Target"}},destination={{$t}}{{- end}}
{{- if index $m "ReadOnly"}},readonly{{- end}}
{{- if $vo := index $m "VolumeOptions"}}
{{- range $i, $v := $vo.Labels}}
{{- printf ",volume-label=%s=%s" $i $v}}
{{- end}}
{{- if $dc := index $vo "DriverConfig" }}
{{- if $n := index $dc "Name" }}
{{- printf ",volume-driver=%s" $n}}
{{- end}}
{{- range $i, $v := $dc.Options}}
{{- printf ",volume-opt=%s=%s" $i $v}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if $bo := index $m "BindOptions"}}
{{- if $p := index $bo "Propagation" }}
{{- printf ",bind-propagation=%s" $p}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}} \
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if .PublishAllPorts}}
--publish-all \
{{- end}}
{{- if .UTSMode}}
--uts {{printf "%q" .UTSMode}} \
{{- end}}
{{- with .LogConfig}}
--log-driver {{printf "%q" .Type}} \
{{- range $o, $v := .Config}}
--log-opt {{$o}}={{printf "%q" $v}} \
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- with .RestartPolicy}}
--restart "{{.Name -}}
{{- if eq .Name "on-failure"}}:{{.MaximumRetryCount}}
{{- end}}" \
{{- end}}
{{- range $e := .ExtraHosts}}
--add-host {{printf "%q" $e}} \
{{- end}}
{{- range $v := .CapAdd}}
--cap-add {{printf "%q" $v}} \
{{- end}}
{{- range $v := .CapDrop}}
--cap-drop {{printf "%q" $v}} \
{{- end}}
{{- range $d := .Devices}}
--device {{printf "%q" (index $d).PathOnHost}}:{{printf "%q" (index $d).PathInContainer}}:{{(index $d).CgroupPermissions}} \
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- with .NetworkSettings -}}
{{- range $p, $conf := .Ports}}
{{- with $conf}}
--publish "
{{- if $h := (index $conf 0).HostIp}}{{$h}}:
{{- end}}
{{- (index $conf 0).HostPort}}:{{$p}}" \
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- range $n, $conf := .Networks}}
{{- with $conf}}
--network {{printf "%q" $n}} \
{{- range $a := $conf.Aliases}}
--network-alias {{printf "%q" $a}} \
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- with .Config}}
{{- if .Hostname}}
--hostname {{printf "%q" .Hostname}} \
{{- end}}
{{- if .Domainname}}
--domainname {{printf "%q" .Domainname}} \
{{- end}}
{{- if index . "ExposedPorts"}}
{{- range $p, $conf := .ExposedPorts}}
--expose {{printf "%q" $p}} \
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if .User}}
--user {{printf "%q" .User}} \
{{- end}}
{{- range $e := .Env}}
--env {{printf "%q" $e}} \
{{- end}}
{{- range $l, $v := .Labels}}
--label {{printf "%q" $l}}={{printf "%q" $v}} \
{{- end}}
{{- if not (or .AttachStdin (or .AttachStdout .AttachStderr))}}
--detach \
{{- end}}
{{- if .AttachStdin}}
--attach stdin \
{{- end}}
{{- if .AttachStdout}}
--attach stdout \
{{- end}}
{{- if .AttachStderr}}
--attach stderr \
{{- end}}
{{- if .Tty}}
--tty \
{{- end}}
{{- if .OpenStdin}}
--interactive \
{{- end}}
{{- if .Entrypoint}}
{{- /* Since the entry point cannot be overridden from the command line with an array of size over 1,
we are fine assuming the default value in such a case. */ -}}
{{- if eq (len .Entrypoint) 1 }}
--entrypoint "
{{- range $i, $v := .Entrypoint}}
{{- if $i}} {{end}}
{{- $v}}
{{- end}}" \
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{printf "%q" .Image}} \
{{range .Cmd}}{{printf "%q " .}}{{- end}}
{{- end}}
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ictus4u commented May 19, 2020

Usage: docker inspect --format "$(<./run.tpl)" container_name_or_id

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Thanks for you and for efrecon to bring us with this so helpful script. Thank you to let us know the usage pattern.

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Is it possible to also got the args ?

docker container inspect 7dc403a17d87
        "Id": "7dc403a17d87409197d61211d76f435c53db3215e4bcd529f1b0f80ba7e8dffd",
        "Created": "2022-04-28T08:49:52.207594733Z",
        "Path": "haproxy",
        "Args": [

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ictus4u commented Feb 6, 2023

Hi @cmoulliard . Could you tell if that case is not already covered in the .Cmd option (at the end)? In the example I have, .Args and .Cmd both show the same array.

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ictus4u commented Feb 17, 2023

To check the differences with the @efrecon 's version:

diff --unified \
  <(curl -sSL \
  <(curl -sSL

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