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Last active February 14, 2022 03:21
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Simple Furcadia bot
#!/usr/bin/env python3
### Furcadia Login / Connection Example
# Last Updated: 2022-02-14
# Author: Artex <>
import errno
import re
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM
from sys import stderr, exit
from typing import Union
from threading import Thread # for console input thread
# (host, port)
G_FURC_ADDRESS = '', 6500
# (username, password)
# NOTE: If your username has a space in it, write it as a pipe ('|') character instead of space!!
G_FURC_CREDENTIALS = 'CPU', 'password' # (username, password)
# AFAIK, Furcadia won't send lines longer than this to you
# You will also not get less than 1 full line per packet/recv() call
G_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 # bytes
def main():
#--- CONNECTION STAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
print('[*] Connecting to %s:%d...' % G_FURC_ADDRESS, end=' ', flush=True)
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
except OSError as ex:
stderr.write(f'Error connecting: {ex}\n')
# Set up a means for us to type commands into the console and send them to the server
t = Thread(target=t_handle_console_input, args=(s,), daemon=True)
#--- LOGIN STAGE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
print('[*] LOGIN STAGE')
stage_done = False
while not stage_done:
raw: bytes = s.recv(G_BUFFER_SIZE)
# check for disconnection
if not raw:
print('[x] CONNECTION CLOSED (by server)')
stderr.write(f'Login failed - server closed connection')
stage_done = handle_login_event(s, raw)
except OSError as ex:
stderr.write(f'Error logging in: {ex}\n')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('[x] CONNECTION CLOSED (by us)')
#--- IN-GAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
print('[*] IN-GAME STAGE')
while True:
raw: bytes = s.recv(G_BUFFER_SIZE)
# check for disconnection
if not raw:
print('[x] DISCONNECTED (by server)')
# handle message
handle_game_event(s, raw)
except OSError as ex:
# s.close() was called - we expected that
if ex.errno == errno.EBADF: # "Bad file descriptor"
print('[x] CONNECTION CLOSED (by us)')
# something else happened - we didn't expect that...
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('[x] CONNECTION CLOSED (ctrl+c)')
def do_init_commands(s: socket):
Things you wish to do after fully logging in
# send_strln(s, 'wh Artex Rawr!')
# s.close() # if you wish to abruptly disconnect
def handle_login_event(s: socket, raw: bytes) -> bool:
This function handles LOGIN STAGE messages
Each message may consist of one or more lines!
:param s: client socket
:param raw: raw message (including \n characters)
:return: True if login stage complete; false otherwise
# Banner Example:
# b'#568 576\n\n\n\n\n Good morning, Dave.\n\n\n\n\nDragonroar\n\n'
# || '-- max. seen usercount '-- we may login!
# |'------ current usercount
# '------- usercount prefix (separates usercount from regular newstext for backwards compatibility)
print('[>][%4d] %r' % (len(raw), raw), flush=True)
for line in raw.split(b'\n')[:-1]:
# usercount line - usually the first line sent from the server
# example: '#568 576\n'
if line.startswith(b'#'):
num_users_str, max_users_str = line[1:].decode('ascii').split(' ') # ['568', '576']
print(f'[#] usercount: {num_users_str}')
print(f'[#] max.users: {max_users_str}')
# we may log in after we notice this
elif line == b'Dragonroar':
username, password = G_FURC_CREDENTIALS
print(f'[=] LOGGING IN AS {username}...')
send_strln(s, f'connect {username} {password}')
# new format:
# send_strln(s, f'account {email} {username} {password}')
# If you look at this string in Wireshark, you will notice additional arguments
# used in these commands. This is known as "MachineID hash". You don't need to
# provide it. It only exists to "unlock" the official client.
# The official client will refuse to work without the following \PW response
# to the provided machineid hash.
elif line.startswith(b'&&&&&&&&&'):
print(f'[@] LOGGED IN!')
# You used to be able to (and had to) specify colors and description immediately
# after logging in, but now apparently the system works with "costumes" which it
# keeps on the web...
# send_strln(s, f'desc //Central Processing Unit//')
# send_strln(s, f'color ]t#############') # sending color would complete the signin stage
send_strln(s, f'costume %-1') # does this replace the `color line?
send_strln(s, f'unafk')
return True # login stage complete
elif line.startswith(b']]'):
stderr.write('LOGIN FAILED\n')
# from this point, we just wait for the server to terminate the connection
return False
def handle_game_event(s: socket, raw: bytes):
This function handles IN-GAME STAGE events
:param s: client socket
:param raw: raw message (including \n characters)
# just print it
for line in raw.split(b'\n')[:-1]:
print_raw = True
# take out the HTML tags out of printed lines and print them to the screen
if line.startswith(b'('):
text = clean_html(line.decode('ascii')[1:])
text = text.replace('&lt;', '<').replace('&gt;', '>') # convert < and > out of the HTML form
print(f'[....] {text}')
handle_game_text(s, text)
print_raw = False
# server wants us to download map (]r means it wants us to load from disk, but that's rarely used)
elif line.startswith(b']q '):
_ = line[3:].decode('ascii').split(' ')
map_name = _[0]
map_crc32 = _[1]
# there are other arguments there that I don't recognize
print(f'[----] Download Map: {map_name} (crc: {map_crc32}')
send_strln(s, 'vascodagama') # confirms that we finished downloading the dream
if print_raw:
# s.close() # if you wish to abruptly disconnect
def handle_game_text(s: socket, line: str):
This function handles IN-GAME STAGE text
:param s: client socket
:param line: line of text coming from Furcadia server (sanitized for HTML and <> characters)
m = re.match(r'^(\S+) asks you to join their company', line)
if m:
name = m[1]
send_strln(s, 'join')
m = re.match(r'^(\S+) requests permission to lead you.', line)
if m:
name = m[1]
send_strln(s, 'follow')
def t_handle_console_input(s: socket):
This function runs in a separate thread and sends anything you type into
the console directly to the server
while True:
cmd = input()
send_strln(s, cmd)
def clean_html(s: str) -> str:
"""Clean HTML tags from within a string (the naive way)"""
tags = []
in_tag = False
for i, ch in enumerate(s):
if ch == '<':
i_tag_start = i
in_tag = True
if ch == '>' and in_tag:
tags.append((i_tag_start, i))
in_tag = False
if tags:
i = 0
segments = []
for i_start, i_end in tags:
i = i_end + 1
return ''.join(segments)
return s # no tags present
def send_str(sock: socket, s: str):
"""Send a string through a socket that only accepts bytes"""
def send_strln(sock: socket, s: str):
send_str(sock, s+'\n')
def recv_str(sock: socket, size: int = G_BUFFER_SIZE) -> str:
"""Receive a string from a socket that only provides bytes"""
raise NotImplementedError("Furcadia uses non-printable characters! Use bytes instead...")
def print_with_size(s: Union[str,bytes], *args, **kwargs):
if type(s) == bytes:
s = repr(s)[2:-1] # print them like Python would normally print bytes, without the "b'...'"
print('[%4d] %s' % (len(s), s), *args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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