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Last active January 3, 2024 09:30
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A proof that inductive-inductive even is equivalent to directly defined even
Inductive nat: Type :=
| S (n: nat)
| O.
Inductive even: nat -> Prop :=
| Base: even O
| Ind: forall n, even n -> even (S (S n)).
Inductive ev: nat -> Prop :=
| ev_Base: ev O
| ev_Ind: forall n, odd n -> ev (S n)
with odd: nat -> Prop :=
| odd_Ind: forall n, ev n -> odd (S n).
(* The hard part *)
(* It can only be done in this way, mutual Lemma won't work because
* Coq don't know how the decreasing argument works.
* The fact that we first intro & induction on n then apply the constructor
* is very important, we can't apply the constructor first or it will fall
* into the same problem.
Lemma ev_even: forall n,
((ev n) -> even n) *
((odd n) -> even (S n))
intros n.
induction n as [ n f |].
intro h. inversion h. apply f. assumption.
intro h. constructor. inversion h. apply f. assumption.
repeat constructor.
intro h.
inversion h.
Theorem ev_even_eq: forall n, ev n <-> even n.
intros. constructor.
apply ev_even.
intros h. induction h. constructor. repeat constructor. assumption.
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