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Last active February 3, 2024 18:19
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Not so secret
module PSet3 where
record TermStructure : Set₁ where
Term : Set
module QPER (TS TS' : TermStructure) where
open TermStructure TS
open TermStructure TS'
renaming (Term to Term')
record QPER : Set₁ where
R : (M : Term) (M' : Term') Set
zzc : {M N : Term} {M' N' : Term'} R M M' R N N' R N M' R M N'
open QPER public
record QPERClosedTerm (Y : QPER) : Set where
M : Term
M' : Term'
law : R Y M M'
_~_ : (tM tN : QPERClosedTerm Y) Set
_~_ {Y} tM tN = R Y (QPERClosedTerm.M tN) (QPERClosedTerm.M' tM)
~-trans : (Y : QPER) (tM tN tP : QPERClosedTerm Y) (tM ~ tN) (tN ~ tP) (tM ~ tP)
~-trans Y tM tN tP h h' = {! !}
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