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Last active December 16, 2015 03:39
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Save iant/5371391 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Determining periodicity of a time series using spectrum analysis using R
# Where 'ts' is the time series (without transient behavior)
# a <-$freq,spectrum(ts)$spec))
# b <- order(a[2], decreasing=TRUE)[1]
# 1/a$V1[b] # !If this is the same as length(ts) then periodicity is 0(zero)
periodicity <- function(ts){
if (length(unique(ts))==1){
# No need for spectrum analysis as all values are same. Periodicity is zero.
} else {
a <-$freq,spectrum(ts)$spec))
b <- order(a[2], decreasing=TRUE)[1] # Find the index of the spec with highest frequency
c <- 1/a$V1[b] # Calculate number of cycles
if (c==length(ts)+1){
return(0) # Periodicity length is same as ts return periodicity 0
return(1/a$V1[b]) # Return periodicity
# sample time series
ts <- rep(c(1:1),100) # 0 periodicity
ts <- rep(c(1:2),100) # 2 cycle
ts <- rep(c(1:3),100) # 3 cycles
ts <- rep(c(1:4),100) # 4 cycles
ts <- rep(c(1:5),100) # 5 cycles
ts <- rep(c(2:11),100) # 10 cycles
ts <- rnorm(100, 1, 100) # Stochastic
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