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Forked from digitallysavvy/.js
Created May 2, 2021 00:01
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Full implementation of Agora interface
// simple JS interface for web SDK
// app / channel settings
var agoraAppId = " "; // Set your Agora App ID
var channelName = 'agora-web-docs-demo';
// video profile settings
var cameraVideoProfile = '480_4'; // 640 × 480 @ 30fps & 750kbs
var screenVideoProfile = '480_2'; // 640 × 480 @ 30fps
// create client instances for camera (client) and screen share (screenClient)
var client = AgoraRTC.createClient({mode: 'rtc', codec: "h264"}); // h264 better detail at a higher motion
var screenClient = AgoraRTC.createClient({mode: 'rtc', codec: 'vp8'}); // use the vp8 for better detail in low motion
// stream references (keep track of active streams)
var remoteStreams = {}; // remote streams obj struct [id : stream]
var localStreams = {
camera: {
id: "",
stream: {}
screen: {
id: "",
stream: {}
var mainStreamId; // reference to main stream
var screenShareActive = false; // flag for screen share
// init Agora SDK
client.init(agoraAppId, function () {
console.log("AgoraRTC client initialized");
joinChannel(); // join channel upon successfull init
}, function (err) {
console.log("[ERROR] : AgoraRTC client init failed", err);
client.on('stream-published', function (evt) {
console.log("Publish local stream successfully");
// connect remote streams
client.on('stream-added', function (evt) {
var stream =;
var streamId = stream.getId();
console.log("new stream added: " + streamId);
// Check if the stream is local
if (streamId != {
console.log('subscribe to remote stream:' + streamId);
// Subscribe to the stream.
client.subscribe(stream, function (err) {
console.log("[ERROR] : subscribe stream failed", err);
client.on('stream-subscribed', function (evt) {
var remoteStream =;
var remoteId = remoteStream.getId();
remoteStreams[remoteId] = remoteStream;
console.log("Subscribe remote stream successfully: " + remoteId);
if( $('#full-screen-video').is(':empty') ) {
mainStreamId = remoteId;'full-screen-video');
} else {
// remove the remote-container when a user leaves the channel
client.on("peer-leave", function(evt) {
var streamId =; // the the stream id
if(remoteStreams[streamId] != undefined) {
remoteStreams[streamId].stop(); // stop playing the feed
delete remoteStreams[streamId]; // remove stream from list
if (streamId == mainStreamId) {
var streamIds = Object.keys(remoteStreams);
var randomId = streamIds[Math.floor(Math.random()*streamIds.length)]; // select from the remaining streams
remoteStreams[randomId].stop(); // stop the stream's existing playback
var remoteContainerID = '#' + randomId + '_container';
$(remoteContainerID).empty().remove(); // remove the stream's miniView container
remoteStreams[randomId].play('full-screen-video'); // play the random stream as the main stream
mainStreamId = randomId; // set the new main remote stream
} else {
var remoteContainerID = '#' + streamId + '_container';
$(remoteContainerID).empty().remove(); //
// show mute icon whenever a remote has muted their mic
client.on("mute-audio", function (evt) {
toggleVisibility('#' + evt.uid + '_mute', true);
client.on("unmute-audio", function (evt) {
toggleVisibility('#' + evt.uid + '_mute', false);
// show user icon whenever a remote has disabled their video
client.on("mute-video", function (evt) {
var remoteId = evt.uid;
// if the main user stops their video select a random user from the list
if (remoteId != mainStreamId) {
// if not the main vidiel then show the user icon
toggleVisibility('#' + remoteId + '_no-video', true);
client.on("unmute-video", function (evt) {
toggleVisibility('#' + evt.uid + '_no-video', false);
// join a channel
function joinChannel() {
var token = generateToken();
var userID = null; // set to null to auto generate uid on successfull connection
client.join(token, channelName, userID, function(uid) {
console.log("User " + uid + " join channel successfully");
createCameraStream(uid); = uid; // keep track of the stream uid
}, function(err) {
console.log("[ERROR] : join channel failed", err);
// video streams for channel
function createCameraStream(uid) {
var localStream = AgoraRTC.createStream({
streamID: uid,
audio: true,
video: true,
screen: false
localStream.init(function() {
console.log("getUserMedia successfully");
// TODO: add check for other streams. play local stream full size if alone in channel'local-video'); // play the given stream within the local-video div
// publish local stream
client.publish(localStream, function (err) {
console.log("[ERROR] : publish local stream error: " + err);
enableUiControls(localStream); // move after testing = localStream; // keep track of the camera stream for later
}, function (err) {
console.log("[ERROR] : getUserMedia failed", err);
function initScreenShare() {
screenClient.init(agoraAppId, function () {
console.log("AgoraRTC screenClient initialized");
screenShareActive = true;
// TODO: add logic to swap button
}, function (err) {
console.log("[ERROR] : AgoraRTC screenClient init failed", err);
function joinChannelAsScreenShare() {
var token = generateToken();
var userID = null; // set to null to auto generate uid on successfull connection
screenClient.join(token, channelName, userID, function(uid) { = uid; // keep track of the uid of the screen stream.
// Create the stream for screen sharing.
var screenStream = AgoraRTC.createStream({
streamID: uid,
audio: false, // Set the audio attribute as false to avoid any echo during the call.
video: false,
screen: true, // screen stream
extensionId: 'minllpmhdgpndnkomcoccfekfegnlikg', // Google Chrome:
mediaSource: 'screen', // Firefox: 'screen', 'application', 'window' (select one)
screenStream.setScreenProfile(screenVideoProfile); // set the profile of the screen
console.log("getScreen successful"); = screenStream; // keep track of the screen stream
$("#screen-share-btn").prop("disabled",false); // enable button
screenClient.publish(screenStream, function (err) {
console.log("[ERROR] : publish screen stream error: " + err);
}, function (err) {
console.log("[ERROR] : getScreen failed", err); = ""; // reset screen stream id = {}; // reset the screen stream
screenShareActive = false; // resest screenShare
toggleScreenShareBtn(); // toggle the button icon back (will appear disabled)
}, function(err) {
console.log("[ERROR] : join channel as screen-share failed", err);
screenClient.on('stream-published', function (evt) {
console.log("Publish screen stream successfully");; // disable the local video stream (will send a mute signal); // stop playing the local stream
// TODO: add logic to swap main video feed back from container
remoteStreams[mainStreamId].stop(); // stop the main video stream playback
addRemoteStreamMiniView(remoteStreams[mainStreamId]); // send the main video stream to a container
//'full-screen-video'); // play the screen share as full-screen-video (vortext effect?)
$("#video-btn").prop("disabled",true); // disable the video button (as cameara video stream is disabled)
screenClient.on('stopScreenSharing', function (evt) {
console.log("screen sharing stopped", err);
function stopScreenShare() {; // disable the local video stream (will send a mute signal); // stop playing the local stream; // enable the camera feed'local-video'); // play the camera within the full-screen-video div
screenClient.leave(function() {
screenShareActive = false;
console.log("screen client leaves channel");
$("#screen-share-btn").prop("disabled",false); // enable button
screenClient.unpublish(; // unpublish the screen client; // close the screen client stream = ""; // reset the screen id = {}; // reset the stream obj
}, function(err) {
console.log("client leave failed ", err); //error handling
function addRemoteStreamMiniView(remoteStream){
var streamId = remoteStream.getId();
// append the remote stream template to #remote-streams
$('<div/>', {'id': streamId + '_container', 'class': 'remote-stream-container col'}).append(
$('<div/>', {'id': streamId + '_mute', 'class': 'mute-overlay'}).append(
$('<i/>', {'class': 'fas fa-microphone-slash'})
$('<div/>', {'id': streamId + '_no-video', 'class': 'no-video-overlay text-center'}).append(
$('<i/>', {'class': 'fas fa-user'})
$('<div/>', {'id': 'agora_remote_' + streamId, 'class': 'remote-video'})
);'agora_remote_' + streamId);
var containerId = '#' + streamId + '_container';
$(containerId).dblclick(function() {
// play selected container as full screen - swap out current full screen stream
remoteStreams[mainStreamId].stop(); // stop the main video stream playback
addRemoteStreamMiniView(remoteStreams[mainStreamId]); // send the main video stream to a container
$(containerId).empty().remove(); // remove the stream's miniView container
remoteStreams[streamId].stop() // stop the container's video stream playback
remoteStreams[streamId].play('full-screen-video'); // play the remote stream as the full screen video
mainStreamId = streamId; // set the container stream id as the new main stream id
function leaveChannel() {
if(screenShareActive) {
client.leave(function() {
console.log("client leaves channel"); // stop the camera stream playback
client.unpublish(; // unpublish the camera stream; // clean up and close the camera stream
$("#remote-streams").empty() // clean up the remote feeds
//disable the UI elements
$("#mic-btn").prop("disabled", true);
$("#video-btn").prop("disabled", true);
$("#screen-share-btn").prop("disabled", true);
$("#exit-btn").prop("disabled", true);
// hide the mute/no-video overlays
toggleVisibility("#mute-overlay", false);
toggleVisibility("#no-local-video", false);
}, function(err) {
console.log("client leave failed ", err); //error handling
// use tokens for added security
function generateToken() {
return null; // TODO: add a token generation
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