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Last active February 3, 2019 05:13
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  • Save iammelea/d82a8c4303f06a3c20fd95fcd5ec8f4d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iammelea/d82a8c4303f06a3c20fd95fcd5ec8f4d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#Run Cosmos no need install, only install docker first ;)
#For unsafe reset all, if you need.
docker run -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiad unsafe-reset-all
#For create the folders
docker run -it -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiad init --moniker=Write-Validator-Name-HERE
#Permision to folders
sudo chown user:group .gaiad/config
sudo chown user:group .gaiad/data
#open folders
cd .gaiad/config
#remove genesis
rm genesis.json
#donwload the genesis that you need, one is for GoS-5 and the other for gaia-10k
wget -c ''
wget -c ''
#open confi.toml for add seeds
vi config.toml
011382cf07e965c5624651d6cadbf651305c019f@ as seed for gaiad-10k
735120d143424734f48692097731f95b5b1d04c1@ as seed for GoS 5
#Start gaiad
docker run -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiad start
#For stop after you are sure its working well downloading blocks
#For run detached mode add ```-d```
docker run -d -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiad start
#for see the container ID for stop now or others
docker ps
#for status meanwhile is runing in detached mode
docker run --network="host" meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiacli status
#For add a new key AKA create a new account
docker run -it -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiacli keys add imvalidator
#For recover a old key account
docker run -it -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiacli keys add imvalidator --recover
#AKA imvalidator is the name for your key or account used any you liked
docker run -it -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiacli keys list
#how tu run cmds
docker run --network="host" meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaia -h
docker run --network="host" meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiacli -h
docker run --network="host" meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaia version
docker run --network="host" meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiacli version
#for see the ip from the docker container
docker ps
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' 12345678
#add this ip in config.toml
# Address to advertise to peers for them to dial
# If empty, will use the same port as the laddr,
# and will introspect on the listener or use UPnP
# to figure out the address.
external_address = "tcp://"
#for create validator
#finish after dinner. ;)
docker run -it -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiacli keys show imvalidator --bech=val
docker run --network="host" meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:0.30.0-0 gaiacli query account cosmos1wvcnanmdlmmeuq762u5cv5g3k2su6pwwyavy6u --trust-node
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