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Last active February 11, 2019 13:28
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  • Save iammelea/53baea873af1d867ced8f638381a46a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iammelea/53baea873af1d867ced8f638381a46a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
docker run -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:v0.31.1 gaiad unsafe-reset-all
cd .gaiad/config
rm genesis.json
wget ''
docker run -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:v0.31.1 gaiad start --trace --log_level "*:debug"
#sync ok? stop and start no debug and For run detached mode add -d
docker run -d -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:v0.31.1 gaiad start
#for see the list of available cmd used this and new cmd for 0.31.1
#after start have to see this
docker run -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:v0.31.1 gaiad start --trace --log_level "*:debug"
I[2019-02-11|00:25:29.522] Starting ABCI with Tendermint module=main
I[2019-02-11|00:25:30.565] Starting multiAppConn module=proxy impl=multiAppConn
I[2019-02-11|00:25:30.565] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=query impl=localClient
I[2019-02-11|00:25:30.565] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=mempool impl=localClient
I[2019-02-11|00:25:30.565] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=consensus impl=localClient
I[2019-02-11|00:25:30.565] Starting EventBus module=events impl=EventBus
I[2019-02-11|00:25:30.565] Starting PubSub module=pubsub impl=PubSub
I[2019-02-11|00:25:30.576] Starting IndexerService module=txindex impl=IndexerService
I[2019-02-11|00:25:30.630] ABCI Handshake App Info module=consensus height=0 hash= software-version= protocol-version=0
I[2019-02-11|00:25:30.635] ABCI Replay Blocks module=consensus appHeight=0 storeHeight=0 stateHeight=0
I[2019-02-11|00:25:37.485] Asserted all invariants module=invariants duration=44.435292ms
I[2019-02-11|00:25:37.491] Completed ABCI Handshake - Tendermint and App are synced module=consensus appHeight=0 appHash=
I[2019-02-11|00:25:37.491] Version info module=node software=0.30.0 block=10 p2p=7
I[2019-02-11|00:25:37.492] This node is not a validator module=consensus addr=5AD215C54BC4474F8A158C3B535172A4A722A23C pubKey=PubKeyEd25519{92F386442899FEE9BE63ABD2179C5CB105F368D83B514B3A438300C4E4201F4F}
I[2019-02-11|00:25:37.506] P2P Node ID module=p2p ID=e04c923e58ab9ab00042389fff0e42712afae0d9 file=/root/.gaiad/config/node_key.json
I[2019-02-11|00:25:37.506] Starting Node module=node impl=Node
I[2019-02-11|00:25:37.506] Genesis time is in the future. Sleeping until then... module=node genTime=2019-02-11T12:00:00Z
docker run -it -v $HOME/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli -v $HOME/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad meleatrust/cosmos-sdk:v0.31.1 gaiacli tx distr withdraw-rewards cosmosvaloper1qksw0e05eh652yy0zqd7f0e3q4082dxy9qxdx6 --from melea --gas=95666 --chain-id game_of_stakes_6 --commission --node
gaiacli tx staking delegate cosmosvaloper1qksw0e05eh652yy0zqd7f0e3q4082dxy9qxdx6 543754763700stake --from melea --gas 111111 --chain-id game_of_stakes_6 --node
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