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Last active August 19, 2024 04:01
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MAMP index file, shows sites, mongoDB status, Mailpit status and phpInfo
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<header class="container">
<h1>MAMP Sites</h1>
<main class="container">
<div class="flex-container">
$dir = '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs';
$sites = scandir($dir);
$sites = array_diff($sites, array('..', '.', '.DS_Store', 'index.php'));
foreach ($sites as $site) {
echo "<div class='flex-item'><a href='$site/public_html' class='btn'>$site</a></div>";
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="flex-item">
<a href="/phpmyadmin" class="btn">phpMyAdmin</a>
<div class="flex-item">
<a href="/MAMP/opcache.php" class="btn">OPcache</a>
$output = shell_exec('pgrep mongod');
if ($output) {
echo "<div class='alert alert-success'>MongoDB is running</div>";
} else {
echo "<div class='alert alert-danger'>MongoDB is not running</div>";
$output = shell_exec('pgrep mailpit');
if ($output) {
echo "<div class='alert alert-success'>Mailpit is running</div>";
} else {
echo "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Mailpit is not running</div>";
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