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Created September 5, 2011 18:30
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Style-sheet like properties
object UnitType extends Enumeration {
val Em = Value("em")
val Px = Value("px")
val Pc = Value("%")
import UnitType._
case class Dimension(
val length : Double = 0.0,
val unit : UnitType.Value = Px) {
override def toString = "%.2f".format(length) + unit
case class Color(
val red : Double = 1.0,
val green : Double = 1.0,
val blue : Double = 1.0,
val alpha : Double = 1.0) {
override def toString = "#" + hex(red) + hex(green) + hex(blue) + hex(alpha)
def hex(x : Double) : String = "%02x".format((x * 255).toInt)
sealed abstract class Property[T](val name : String, val value : T) {
override def equals(other : Any) : Boolean =
other match {
case x : Property[_] => name ==
case _ => false
def +(other : Property[_]) : Set[Property[_]] = Set(this, other)
case class Width(v : Dimension = Dimension()) extends Property("width", v)
case class Height(v : Dimension = Dimension()) extends Property("height", v)
case class BackgroundColor(v : Color = Color()) extends Property("bgcolor", v)
val props : Set[Property[_]] =
Width(Dimension(15, Px)),
BackgroundColor(Color(0.5, 0, 0)),
Width(Dimension(20, Px))
val props2 : Set[Property[_]] =
Width(Dimension(15)) +
Height(Dimension(100, Pc)) +
Height(Dimension(100, Px))
props foreach {
_ match {
case Width(x) => println("we have a width of " + x)
case other => println("we have another property: " + + " -> " + other.value)
val bgcolor : Color = props2 collectFirst { case BackgroundColor(c) => c } getOrElse Color()
println("background color is " + bgcolor)
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