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Last active March 6, 2024 03:28
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Converts Arabic numbers chars to normal English numbers #JavaScript
* Converts Arabic numeric chars to English.
* @param {Number} number - The Arabic number to be converted to English number.
* Thanks to whomever I stole this code from on the web a while ago.
* Michael Scott: It's whoever, not whomever.
* Ryan: It's whomever.
* Michael Scott: No, whomever is never acutally right.
* Jim Halpert: Nope, sometimes it's right.
* Creed: Michael is right. It's a made up word used to trick students-
function englishinize(number) {
return number.replace(/[٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩]/g, (d) => parseInt((d.charCodeAt(0) - 1632)));
// 420
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