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Last active July 4, 2024 01:10
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Bellman Ford method without require terminating after n-1 sweep and fix negative cycle loop
from __future__ import annotations
import decimal
from typing import Union, Optional, Mapping
class Node:
def __init__(self, name: str, connection: Optional[Mapping[Union[str, Node], Union[float, int, decimal.Decimal]]]): = name
self.connection: dict[str, Union[float, int, decimal.Decimal]] = \
{ if isinstance(k, Node) else k: v # Make sure it is string
for k, v in connection.items()
} if connection else {}
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Union[float, int, decimal.Decimal]:
return self.connection.get(name, float('inf'))
def copy(self) -> CalcNode:
return CalcNode(, self.connection.copy()) # Create a node for calculation so it doesn't impact itself
class CalcNode(Node):
value: Union[float, int, decimal.Decimal]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.value = float('inf') # Default from infinite
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# node_dict: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = {
# "A": {'B': 5, 'C': 35, 'D': 40},
# "B": {"D":20, "E": 25},
# "C": {"E": 30, "F": 30},
# "D": {"F": 20},
# "E": {"F": 25},
# "F": {}
# }
# node_dict: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = {
# "A": {'B': 5, 'C': 35, 'D': 40},
# "B": {"D":20, "E": 25},
# "C": {"E": -30, "F": 30},
# "D": {"F": 20},
# "E": {"F": 25},
# "F": {}
# }
node_dict: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = {
"A": {"B": 1},
"B": {"C": -1},
"C": {"D": -1},
"D": {"E": 1, "B": -1},
"E": {}
node_list = [Node(k, v) for k, v in node_dict.items()]
def calculation(initial: str, list_node: list[Node]):
predecessor: tuple[str, dict[str, tuple[str, list[str]]]] = (initial, {}) # (initial, {end: (start, stack)})
list_node: dict[str, CalcNode] = { node.copy() for node in list_node}
# Check
used = {initial, }
for node in list_node.values():
used = used.union(node.connection)
if used != set(list_node):
raise ValueError('Have unreachable node or path to non-existent node')
for node in list_node.values():
if == initial:
node.value = 0 # Set distance to be 0 for starting node
modified = True
while modified:
checked = []
modified = False
current = initial
current_node = list_node[current]
changed = []
while True:
for exit, distance in current_node.connection.items():
if current_node.value + distance < list_node[exit].value:
if (current, exit) not in zip(
predecessor[1].get(current, (current, []))[1],
predecessor[1].get(current, (current, []))[1][1:]
): # Create a list of tuple which display the taken paths before from stack
list_node[exit].value = current_node.value + distance
predecessor[1][exit] = (current, predecessor[1].get(current, (current, []))[1] + [current])
modified = True
changed.append(exit) # Mark node to be impacted (Optimize path
if current in changed:
if [name for name in changed if
name not in checked]: # Prioritize node that directly impacted from the change first
current = [name for name in changed if name not in checked][0]
if set(checked) == set(list_node):
current = [node_name for node_name in list_node if node_name not in checked][
0] # Select the remaining node regardless (unsure if required or it could have just break
current_node = list_node[current]
return predecessor
result = calculation('A', node_list)
while True:
dest = input('>')
print(' -> '.join(result[1].get(dest, (0, []))[1] + [dest]))
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This is done by adding stack and stop the node proceeding repeated path
(e.g. A -> D -> C -> B -> A(visit back is allowed) -X-> D(not allowed since it have go the same path before))

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Just to clarify, not having the error doesn't mean all node is reachable, this is just a simple check where they might be 2 different network that not connected to each other, hence not reachable despite an error haven't been raised

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