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Created October 21, 2015 08:40
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Peter Norvig’s Spelling Corrector in Go by Yi.Wang
package main
import (
func train(training_data string) map[string]int {
NWORDS := make(map[string]int)
pattern := regexp.MustCompile("[a-z]+")
if content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(training_data); err == nil {
for _, w := range pattern.FindAllString(strings.ToLower(string(content)), -1) {
} else {
panic("Failed loading training data. Get it from")
return NWORDS
func edits1(word string, ch chan string) {
const alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
type Pair struct{a, b string}
var splits []Pair
for i := 0; i < len(word) + 1; i++ {
splits = append(splits, Pair{word[:i], word[i:]}) }
for _, s := range splits {
if len(s.b) > 0 { ch <- s.a + s.b[1:] }
if len(s.b) > 1 { ch <- s.a + string(s.b[1]) + string(s.b[0]) + s.b[2:] }
for _, c := range alphabet { if len(s.b) > 0 { ch <- s.a + string(c) + s.b[1:] }}
for _, c := range alphabet { ch <- s.a + string(c) + s.b }
func edits2(word string, ch chan string) {
ch1 := make(chan string, 1024*1024)
go func() { edits1(word, ch1); ch1 <- "" }()
for e1 := range ch1 {
if e1 == "" { break }
edits1(e1, ch)
func best(word string, edits func(string, chan string), model map[string]int) string {
ch := make(chan string, 1024*1024)
go func() { edits(word, ch); ch <- "" }()
maxFreq := 0
correction := ""
for word := range ch {
if word == "" { break }
if freq, present := model[word]; present && freq > maxFreq {
maxFreq, correction = freq, word
return correction
func correct(word string, model map[string]int) string {
if _, present := model[word]; present { return word }
if correction := best(word, edits1, model); correction != "" { return correction }
if correction := best(word, edits2, model); correction != "" { return correction }
return word
func main() {
model := train("big.txt")
startTime := time.Nanoseconds()
for i := 0; i < 1; i++ { fmt.Println(correct("korrecter", model)) }
fmt.Printf("Time : %v\n", float64(time.Nanoseconds() - startTime) / float64(1e9))
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hyper0x commented Oct 21, 2015

The article illustrate this issue at .

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