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Last active January 23, 2024 11:15
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Small demo to use background processes in Shiny apps with callR
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel('Using callR in Shiny'),
actionButton('start_job', 'Start Expensive Job'),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# initiate reactive values
check_finished <- reactiveValues(value = FALSE)
result <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
# set whatever arguments you want to use
some_argument <- 'virginica'
# callR demonstration
observeEvent(input$start_job, {
result$data <-
func =
function(my_argument) {
# long computation
# using your supplied argument to demonstrate how to use arguments in background process
iris <- subset(iris, Species == my_argument)
# the result
supervise = TRUE, args = list(my_argument = some_argument)
check_finished$value <- TRUE
# this part can be useful if you want to update your UI during the process
# think about doing an expensive calculation and showing preliminary results
# not a requirement to have, but it shows some extended capabilities of using callR
if (check_finished$value == TRUE) {
# this will invalidate every second
invalidateLater(millis = 1000)
# do something while waiting
print(paste0('Still busy at ', Sys.time()))
# whenever the background job is finished the value of is_alive() will be FALSE
if (result$data$is_alive() == FALSE) {
check_finished$value <- FALSE
output$result_table <- renderTable(result$data$get_result())
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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@hypebright Could you add another input/output to this example, so user can play with it while the background task is running? That would better highlight the non-blocking pattern showed here and how cool it is :)

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@hypebright Could you add another input/output to this example, so user can play with it while the background task is running? That would better highlight the non-blocking pattern showed here and how cool it is :)

@DivadNojnarg true! This example doesn't do justice to the value of async. I have a better example in this repo, specifically this script 🚀

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