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Disable Sonoma Text Insertion Point ("Cursor" / "Caret")
#!/usr/bin/env osascript -l JavaScript
const App = Application.currentApplication();
App.includeStandardAdditions = true;
const kCFPrefsFeatureFlagsDir = '/Library/Preferences/FeatureFlags/Domain';
const kCFPrefsFeatureEnabledKey = 'Enabled';
const kUIKitDomainPrefsTemporaryPath = '/tmp/UIKit.plist';
const kUIKitRedesignedTextCursorKey = 'redesigned_text_cursor';
function run(_) {
const dict = $;
const enabled = $;
enabled.setValueForKey(false, kCFPrefsFeatureEnabledKey);
dict.setValueForKey(enabled, kUIKitRedesignedTextCursorKey);
const error = $();
if (typeof error.js != 'undefined') {
return `🫤: ${error.localizedDescription}`;
return App.doShellScript(
`mkdir -p '${kCFPrefsFeatureFlagsDir}'`,
`mv '${kUIKitDomainPrefsTemporaryPath}' '${kCFPrefsFeatureFlagsDir}'`,
].join(' && '),
administratorPrivileges: true,
).length == 0 ? '😃' : '🫤';
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