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Last active May 21, 2019 09:36
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import android.view.View
import android.view.animation.Animation
import android.view.animation.Transformation
* Created by Howard Chang on 2018/10/25.
object AnimUtils {
fun expand(v: View, itemCount: Int) {
v.measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED)
, View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED))
val targetHeight = v.measuredHeight * itemCount
// Older versions of android (pre API 21) cancel animations for views with a height of 0.
v.layoutParams.height = 1
v.visibility = View.VISIBLE
val a = object : Animation() {
override fun applyTransformation(interpolatedTime: Float, t: Transformation) {
v.layoutParams.height = if (interpolatedTime == 1f)
(targetHeight * interpolatedTime).toInt()
override fun willChangeBounds(): Boolean {
return true
// 1dp/ms
a.duration = ((targetHeight / v.context.resources.displayMetrics.density).toInt()) * 2.toLong()
fun collapse(v: View) {
val initialHeight = v.measuredHeight
val a = object : Animation() {
override fun applyTransformation(interpolatedTime: Float, t: Transformation) {
if (interpolatedTime == 1f) {
v.visibility = View.GONE
} else {
v.layoutParams.height = initialHeight - (initialHeight * interpolatedTime).toInt()
override fun willChangeBounds(): Boolean {
return true
// 1dp/ms
a.duration = ((initialHeight / v.context.resources.displayMetrics.density).toInt()) * 2.toLong()
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