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Created October 28, 2022 17:13
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Email Filters
---- MODULE Filters ----
VARIABLE push_msgs, emails, i, filtered, pushed
vars == <<push_msgs, emails, i, filtered, pushed>>
set ++ x == set \union {x}
set -- x == set \ {x}
TypeInv ==
/\ emails \subseteq (1..3)
/\ push_msgs \subseteq emails
/\ i \in 1..4
ReceiveEmail ==
/\ i < 4
/\ i' = 1 + 1
/\ emails' = emails ++ i
/\ UNCHANGED <<push_msgs, filtered, pushed>>
FilterEmail ==
/\ \E e \in emails \ filtered:
/\ filtered' = filtered ++ e
/\ \/ emails' = emails -- e \* filtered out
\/ UNCHANGED emails
/\ UNCHANGED <<push_msgs, i, pushed>>
SendPushNotification ==
/\ \E e \in (emails \intersect filtered) \ pushed:
/\ push_msgs' = push_msgs ++ e
/\ pushed' = pushed ++ e
/\ UNCHANGED <<emails, i, filtered>>
Init ==
/\ i = 1
/\ push_msgs = {}
/\ emails = {}
/\ filtered = {}
/\ pushed = {}
Next ==
\/ ReceiveEmail
\/ FilterEmail
\/ SendPushNotification
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
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