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Created August 15, 2021 05:09
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Calculate mAP object detection
import torch
from collections import Counter
from iou import intersection_over_union
def mean_average_precision(
pred_boxes, true_boxes, iou_threshold=0.5, box_format="midpoint", num_classes=20
Calculates mean average precision
pred_boxes (list): list of lists containing all bboxes with each bboxes
specified as [train_idx, class_prediction, prob_score, x1, y1, x2, y2]
true_boxes (list): Similar as pred_boxes except all the correct ones
iou_threshold (float): threshold where predicted bboxes is correct
box_format (str): "midpoint" or "corners" used to specify bboxes
num_classes (int): number of classes
float: mAP value across all classes given a specific IoU threshold
# list storing all AP for respective classes
average_precisions = []
# used for numerical stability later on
epsilon = 1e-6
for c in range(num_classes):
detections = []
ground_truths = []
# Go through all predictions and targets,
# and only add the ones that belong to the
# current class c
for detection in pred_boxes:
if detection[1] == c:
for true_box in true_boxes:
if true_box[1] == c:
# find the amount of bboxes for each training example
# Counter here finds how many ground truth bboxes we get
# for each training example, so let's say img 0 has 3,
# img 1 has 5 then we will obtain a dictionary with:
# amount_bboxes = {0:3, 1:5}
amount_bboxes = Counter([gt[0] for gt in ground_truths])
# We then go through each key, val in this dictionary
# and convert to the following (w.r.t same example):
# ammount_bboxes = {0:torch.tensor[0,0,0], 1:torch.tensor[0,0,0,0,0]}
for key, val in amount_bboxes.items():
amount_bboxes[key] = torch.zeros(val)
# sort by box probabilities which is index 2
detections.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)
TP = torch.zeros((len(detections)))
FP = torch.zeros((len(detections)))
total_true_bboxes = len(ground_truths)
# If none exists for this class then we can safely skip
if total_true_bboxes == 0:
for detection_idx, detection in enumerate(detections):
# Only take out the ground_truths that have the same
# training idx as detection
ground_truth_img = [
bbox for bbox in ground_truths if bbox[0] == detection[0]
num_gts = len(ground_truth_img)
best_iou = 0
for idx, gt in enumerate(ground_truth_img):
iou = intersection_over_union(
if iou > best_iou:
best_iou = iou
best_gt_idx = idx
if best_iou > iou_threshold:
# only detect ground truth detection once
if amount_bboxes[detection[0]][best_gt_idx] == 0:
# true positive and add this bounding box to seen
TP[detection_idx] = 1
amount_bboxes[detection[0]][best_gt_idx] = 1
FP[detection_idx] = 1
# if IOU is lower then the detection is a false positive
FP[detection_idx] = 1
TP_cumsum = torch.cumsum(TP, dim=0)
FP_cumsum = torch.cumsum(FP, dim=0)
recalls = TP_cumsum / (total_true_bboxes + epsilon)
precisions = TP_cumsum / (TP_cumsum + FP_cumsum + epsilon)
precisions =[1]), precisions))
recalls =[0]), recalls))
# torch.trapz for numerical integration
average_precisions.append(torch.trapz(precisions, recalls))
return sum(average_precisions) / len(average_precisions)
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