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Laurence Chen humorless

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humorless /
Created August 17, 2024 07:27
java time library


(time/duration dur-str)

ZoneId type

(def event-time-zone (java.time.ZoneId/of "Europe/Brussels"))
humorless /
Last active February 4, 2024 03:50
corgi 筆記
humorless / practice.cql
Created August 30, 2023 10:46
My practice of Cypher
Find People Born in the Fifties
Using the sandbox on the right, write and execute a query to return people born in the 1950’s (1950 - 1959) that are both Actors and Directors.
How many Person nodes are returned?
WHERE p:Director AND date('1950-01-01') <= date(p.born) < date('1959-12-31')
RETURN count(p)
humorless / postwalk-example.clj
Created August 29, 2023 17:02
Example to show postwalk
(ns myproject
"FIXME: my new project."
(:require [clojure.walk :as walk]))
(def tree
(list #:cil{:id 2
(list #:citl{:id 2 :ip 2
(list #:citl{:id 5 :tp 2}
humorless / result.clj
Created August 28, 2023 10:19
Demo of treewalk - prewalk
[:p.flex-auto "Reference-number: invoice 1"]
[:p.flex-auto "status: unreleased"]]
[:p.flex-auto "Id: 1"]
[:p.flex-auto "Invoice: invoice 1"]
[:p.flex-auto "Amount: 2000"]]
humorless / tax-lines-to-hiccup.clj
Last active August 28, 2023 09:45
Demo of treewalk
(ns myproject
"FIXME: my new project."
(:require [clojure.walk :as walk]))
(def lines
(list {:reference-number "invoice 1"
:status "unreleased"}
(list {:invoice "invoice 1"
:account "100"
:desp "customer invoice line"
humorless /
Last active May 18, 2024 15:43
Modern data stack by REPLWARE

Modern data stack

Main features

REPLWARE 建議的資料分析技術棧 (modern data stack) 主要有下列特色:

  • ELT over ETL
  • SQL based analytics over non-SQL based analytics
  • Analytic Engineer as a new position
  • When the data is not exceeding 1T, your desktop/notebook is fast enough.
humorless /
Created November 10, 2022 08:34 — forked from hiteshjasani/
Clojars instructions

Publish Release

  1. Update version in project.clj
  2. lein deploy clojars



1. Ensure prefix is on project in project.clj

humorless / deps.clj
Created October 31, 2022 10:08 — forked from theronic/deps.clj
Convert Clojure project.clj :dependencies to deps.edn style
; using Clojure 1.9
(require '[clojure.pprint :as pprint])
(defn xform-dep [[lib version & korks]]
(let [args (into {} (apply hash-map korks))]
[lib (merge {:mvn/version version} args)]))
(defn xform-deps
"deps.edn utility function by @theronic 2018-02-28
Transforms a collection of project.clj :dependencies to deps.edn style
humorless /
Last active August 4, 2022 04:02
The web application challenges & solutions

The Heretic Web Application Technical Stack


需要的 technologies

  1. Software Spec - Event modeling method
  2. Evaluation - The four key metrics
  3. Frontend - htmx