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Last active August 20, 2017 08:37
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#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
typedef char* CharSPtr;
class RingBuffer
RingBuffer::RingBuffer(int capacity)
: m_capacity(capacity)
, m_head(0)
, m_tail(0)
, m_pBuffer(new char[capacity + 1])
assert(nullptr != m_pBuffer);
delete[] m_pBuffer;
void Print()
std::cout << "Capacity : " << m_capacity << "\t"
<< "size : " << Size() << "\t"
<< "head : " << m_head << "\t"
<< "tail : " << m_tail << "\t"
<< std::endl;
int Capacity() const
return m_capacity;
bool IsEmpty() const
return Size() == 0;
bool IsFull() const
return Size() == m_capacity;
int Append(char* buff, int sz)
if (m_tail >= m_head)
return AppendWrap(buff, sz);
return AppendDirect(buff, sz);
std::tuple<CharSPtr, int> Read(int sz)
if (m_tail >= m_head)
return ReadDirect(sz);
return ReadWrap(sz);
// 当前Buffer中缓存数据量
int Size() const
if (m_tail >= m_head)
return m_tail - m_head;
return m_capacity + 1 - (m_head - m_tail);
// 返回已写入数据
// ------head#############tail--------
int AppendWrap(char* buff, int sz)
assert(m_tail >= m_head);
if (sz < m_capacity + 1 - m_tail)
// m_tail - capacity 有足够容量
std::memcpy(m_pBuffer + m_tail, buff, sz);
m_tail += sz;
return sz;
else if (sz == m_capacity + 1 - m_tail)
std::memcpy(m_pBuffer + m_tail, buff, sz);
m_tail = 0;
return sz;
int tailCount = m_capacity + 1 - m_tail;
std::memcpy(m_pBuffer + m_tail, buff, tailCount);
int remaind = sz - tailCount;
if (remaind < m_head - 1)
std::memcpy(m_pBuffer, buff + tailCount, remaind);
m_tail = remaind;
return sz;
std::memcpy(m_pBuffer, buff + tailCount, m_head - 1);
m_tail = m_head - 1;
return remaind - (m_head - 1);
// #####tail---------head#######
int AppendDirect(char* buff, int sz)
assert(m_head > m_tail);
int writeSize = sz;
if (writeSize >= m_head - m_tail)
writeSize = m_head - m_tail - 1;
std::memcpy(m_pBuffer + m_tail, buff, writeSize);
m_tail += writeSize;
return writeSize;
std::tuple<CharSPtr, int> ReadDirect(int sz)
assert(m_tail >= m_head);
int actualSize = sz;
if (sz > Size())
actualSize = Size();
CharSPtr b = new char[actualSize+1];
std::memcpy(b, m_pBuffer + m_head, actualSize);
b[actualSize] = '\0';
m_head += actualSize;
return std::tuple<CharSPtr, int>(b, actualSize);
std::tuple<CharSPtr, int> ReadWrap(int sz)
assert(m_head > m_tail);
if (sz <= m_capacity - m_head)
CharSPtr b = new char[sz+1];
std::memcpy(b, m_pBuffer + m_head, sz);
b[sz] = '\0';
m_head += sz;
return std::tuple<CharSPtr, int>(b, sz);
int actualSize = sz;
if (sz > Size())
actualSize = Size();
CharSPtr b = new char[actualSize + 1];
std::memcpy(b, m_pBuffer + m_head, m_capacity + 1 - m_head);
std::memcpy(b + m_capacity + 1 - m_head, m_pBuffer, actualSize - (m_capacity + 1 - m_head));
b[actualSize] = '\0';
m_head = actualSize - (m_capacity + 1 - m_head);
return std::tuple<CharSPtr, int>(b, actualSize);
int m_capacity;
int m_head;
int m_tail;
CharSPtr m_pBuffer;
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