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Created November 3, 2011 09:31
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Converts the distance between the WGS 84 coordinates pointA and pointB to meters.
Converts the distance between the WGS 84 coordinates pointA and pointB to meters.
Ported from
with the suggested radii-calculation optimization.
module.exports.WGS84DegreesToMeters = (pointA, pointB)->
radFactor = Math.PI/180
[lat1, lon1] = [pointA[0]*radFactor, pointA[1]*radFactor]
[lat2, lon2] = [pointB[0]*radFactor, pointB[1]*radFactor]
# Semi-major axis of WGS 84 ellipsoid, in meters.
a = 6378137.0
# Squared eccentricity of WGS 84 ellipsoid.
es = 6.694379990141320E-03
dlon = lon2 - lon1
dlat = lat2 - lat1
avg_lat = (lat2 + lat1) / 2
radii = Math.pow(Math.sin(avg_lat), 2)
# Radius of parallel.
rlon = a * Math.cos(avg_lat) / Math.sqrt(1 - es * radii)
# Radius of meridian.
rlat = a * (1 - es) / Math.pow(1 - es * radii, 1.5)
x = dlon * rlon
y = dlat * rlat
# The distance between the points, in meters.
Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
Converts the distance between the WGS 84 coordinates pointA and pointB to meters.
Ported from
with the suggested optimization
module.exports.WGS84DegreesToMeters = function(pointA, pointB) {
var a, avg_lat, dlat, dlon, es, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, radFactor, radii, rlat, rlon, x, y, _ref, _ref2;
radFactor = Math.PI / 180;
_ref = [pointA[0] * radFactor, pointA[1] * radFactor], lat1 = _ref[0], lon1 = _ref[1];
_ref2 = [pointB[0] * radFactor, pointB[1] * radFactor], lat2 = _ref2[0], lon2 = _ref2[1];
a = 6378137.0;
es = 6.694379990141320E-03;
dlon = lon2 - lon1;
dlat = lat2 - lat1;
avg_lat = (lat2 + lat1) / 2;
radii = Math.pow(Math.sin(avg_lat), 2);
rlon = a * Math.cos(avg_lat) / Math.sqrt(1 - es * radii);
rlat = a * (1 - es) / Math.pow(1 - es * radii, 1.5);
x = dlon * rlon;
y = dlat * rlat;
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
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