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Created March 11, 2024 21:46
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  • Save hughc/60bd251dc47857ff49163c6530db5506 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hughc/60bd251dc47857ff49163c6530db5506 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const { exec } = require("child_process");
const scadSetting = {};
//this should be the same as the spacing of LEDS on your strip
scadSetting.Width_and_depth_of_a_single_cell = 532 / 32;
// grid height
scadSetting.Height_of_grid = 10.2;
//best as an even multiple of your nozzle size
scadSetting.Cell_wall_thickness = 0.8;
scadSetting.Number_of_rows = 8;
scadSetting.Number_of_columns = 8;
/* [Strip Notches] */
//notch to allow strip to sit under grid
scadSetting.Include_notch_for_strip = "yes"; // [no, yes]
//width of notch
scadSetting.LED_strip_width = 10;
//notch height to allow strip to sit under grid
scadSetting.Notch_height_regular = 2;
//notch height on edges - optional extra space for soldering
scadSetting.Notch_height_edge = 4;
/* [Multiple unit settings] */
// removes clips from left edge
scadSetting.Is_first_column_unit = "no"; // [no, yes]
// removes clips from bottom edge
scadSetting.Is_first_row_unit = "no"; // [no, yes]
// hides or shows top edge
scadSetting.Is_last_row_unit = "no"; // [no, yes]
// hides or shows right edge
scadSetting.Is_last_column_unit = "no"; // [no, yes]
/* [Attachment points] */
// an attachment point for a screw from behind the grid
scadSetting.Centre_screw_fitting = "no"; // [no, yes]
// only appear if 'is first' / 'is last' are selected
scadSetting.Edge_screw_fittings = "yes"; // [no, yes]
scadSetting.includeNotchForStrip = scadSetting.Include_notch_for_strip == "yes"; //comment
scadSetting.isFirstColumn = scadSetting.Is_first_column_unit == "yes"; //comment
scadSetting.isFirstRow = scadSetting.Is_first_row_unit == "yes";
scadSetting.includeEdgeScrews = scadSetting.Edge_screw_fittings == "yes"; //comment
scadSetting.isLastRow = scadSetting.Is_last_row_unit == "yes"; //comment
scadSetting.isLastColumn = scadSetting.Is_last_column_unit == "yes";
scadSetting.includeCentreScrew = scadSetting.Centre_screw_fitting == "yes"; //comment
// vary to suit your hardware
scadSetting.Screw_hole_sizes = 3.2; //[2:0.2:5]
scadSetting.Edge_attachment_hole_offset = 3.6;
const generateScadFile = (outputDir, column, row) => {
const modelParams = Object.keys(scadSetting).reduce(function (previous, key) {
const value = scadSetting[key];
if (isNaN(value)) return previous + ` -D '${key}="${value}"'`;
return previous + ` -D '${key}=${value}'`;
}, "");
const rowTitle = scadSetting.isFirstRow ? "bottom" : scadSetting.isLastRow ? "top" : "middle";
const colTitle = scadSetting.isFirstColumn ? "left" : scadSetting.isLastColumn ? "right" : "middle";
var yourscript = exec(`openscad customisable_grid.scad -o ${outputDir}/grid_${rowTitle}_${colTitle}.stl ${modelParams}`, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error !== null) {
console.log(`exec error: ${error}`);
const totalWidth = 32;
const totalHeight = 32;
const maxCellCount = 8;
let numRows = Math.floor(totalWidth / maxCellCount);
let numColumns = Math.floor(totalHeight / maxCellCount);
const lastRowCellCount = totalWidth % maxCellCount || maxCellCount;
const lastColumnCellCount = totalHeight % maxCellCount || maxCellCount;
const extraRow = lastRowCellCount > 0 && lastRowCellCount != maxCellCount;
const extraCol = lastColumnCellCount > 0 && lastColumnCellCount != maxCellCount;
if (extraRow) numRows++;
if (extraCol) numColumns++;
const outputDir = 'batch_simple'
for (let column = 0; column < numColumns; column++) {
for (let row = 0; row < numRows; row++) {
scadSetting.Number_of_rows = column == numRows - 1 ? lastRowCellCount : maxCellCount;
scadSetting.Number_of_columns = row == numColumns - 1 ? lastColumnCellCount : maxCellCount;
scadSetting.isFirstColumn = column == 0;
scadSetting.isFirstRow = row == 0;
scadSetting.isLastColumn = column == numRows - 1;
scadSetting.isLastRow = row == numColumns - 1;
scadSetting.includeCentreScrew = row > 0 && row < numRows - 1 && column > 0 && column < numColumns - 1;
generateScadFile(outputDir, column, row);
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hughc commented Mar 11, 2024

Allows you to crank out a full set of stl files based on the openscad model found here:

Would be easy enough to turn into a cli app with commander.js to take input / output params, store configs in json etc.

Assumes you are on a linux-based system and that openscad is installed / on your path.

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