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Forked from eddievlagea/Preferences.json
Created August 22, 2012 19:49
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ST2 Prefs
"auto_indent": true,
"auto_match_enabled": true,
"caret_style": "smooth",
"close_windows_when_empty": true,
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Aqua/Color Schemes/Tomorrow Night Aqua.tmTheme",
"detect_indentation": true,
"dictionary": "Packages/Language - English/en_US.dic",
"draw_centered": false,
"draw_indent_guides": true,
"draw_minimap_border": false,
"draw_white_space": "selection",
"ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": false,
"fade_fold_buttons": false,
"fallback_encoding": "Western (Windows 1252)",
"find_selected_text": true,
"fold_buttons": true,
"font_face": "Ubuntu Mono",
"font_size": 18.0,
"gutter": true,
"highlight_line": true,
"highlight_modified_tabs": true,
"indent_subsequent_lines": true,
"line_numbers": true,
"line_padding_bottom": 0,
"line_padding_top": 0,
"match_brackets": true,
"match_brackets_angle": true,
"match_brackets_braces": true,
"match_brackets_content": true,
"match_brackets_square": true,
"match_tags": true,
"open_files_in_new_window": false,
"overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled",
"save_on_focus_lost": false,
"scroll_past_end": true,
"shift_tab_unindent": true,
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"spell_check": false,
"tab_completion": true,
"tab_size": 2,
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"trim_automatic_white_space": true,
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,
"use_simple_full_screen": false,
"use_tab_stops": true,
"word_separators": "./\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?",
"word_wrap": true,
"wrap_width": 0
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